Medicinal Lobelia and Lily of the Valley

Lobelia: Lobelia inflate

Part used: Plant and seed

Emetic, expectorant, diuretic, nervine, diaphoretic, antispasmodic 

A powerful relaxant. Lobelia alone cannot cure, but is beneficial with other herbs. Pleurisy root is good for pleurisy, but is better still if combined with lobelia. Catnip added to lobelia for an Enema. Add lobelia to poultices. Lobelia is excellent for nervous patients and as an emetic. Also excellent in whooping cough remedies. For hepatitis, use equal parts of pleurisy root, catnip and bitter root. Lobelia reduces excitability of heart ( angina pectoris). A good combination is lobelia seed, lady slipper and capsicum (cayenne). Is a good remedy for laryngitis. Also for scarlet fever, chickenpox, measles, smallpox and diphtheria. Excellent for lock –jaw. One tablespoonful of the tincture is used for asthma, taken every ten minutes for three doses if necessary. A tincture is made with half ounce lobelia herb, two  ounces of the seed ( crushed), one  tablespoonful cayenne and one quart cider vinegar. Macerate ten days to two weeks in  a stopper bottle. Shake every day an antispasmodic tincture for pain or lock- jaw is made as follows: crushed lobelia seed, skullcap, skunk cabbage, gum cayenne. Infuse in one pint of alcohol for one week, shaking well daily. Keep closely stoppered. Dose – one teaspoonful in one – half cup warm water.

Lily of the Valley: Convallaria majalis

Part used: Root


Strengthens the brain, makes thoughts clearer. Extremely useful in dropsy, epilepsy, dizziness, convulsions, palsy and apoplexy. Is quieting to the heart.

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