Ice Bag Procedure
It s a rubber bag in which pieces of ice are kept. It is used to reduce body temperature in cases of high fever, to reduce hemorrhage into a hematoma, and to relieve pain after blunt trauma.
The procedure for its use is as follows:
- Break ice into pieces of desired size. Place them in a bowl of water so as to remove sharp edges which could tear the rubber bag.
- Put them in the bag with a spoon. Add some salt to it so as to lower the freezing point further. Do not fill the bag more than 2/3.
- Place the bag on a flat surface, remove air from it and dry it.
- Place a mackintosh below the part to be cooled with the ice-bag.
- Place the ice bag over the part to be cooled.
- Check periodically to see that the part does not become numb.
- Do not leave very old or very young patients alone while the ice. Bag is being applied.
- Check the patient’s temperature periodically. Avoid overcooling.
- After use empty the bag. Dry it well from inside as well as outside. Let some air into it and place in cool, dry place.