First aid treatment of Stroke (apoplexy) its causes and diagnose- “Stroke (apoplexy)”

 Stroke (apoplexy)

It is a condition characterized by decreased blood supply to the brain due to formation of a blood clot in its arteries, lodging of an embolus in its artery, or rupture of its artery and hemorrhage from. It usually occurs in elderly person, especially if they suffer from high blood pressure. The manifestations of a stroke depend on the site and severity of involvement of the brain.

The condition I diagnosed by the following features.

  1. There is a sudden and severe headache.
  2. The person may become unconscious.
  3. There is usually paralysis of right or left of the body.
  4. Bladder and / or bowel control may be lost.
  5. Speech may be lost.

First aid

  1. If he is unconscious, treat him as described before.
  2. If there is cardiorespriatory arrest, resuscitate him.
  3. Send him to a hospital immediately.


One Response

  1. Susan George March 29, 2018

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