Tag: Simple Home Treatment
Dark Circles Around Eyes Reason : Black and dark circles appear around the eyes due to lack of iron and calcium in meal. These dark circles take place because …
Eye Diseases Causes : Many eye diseases occur due to irregular sleeping, day sleeping, night vigil, constant observation of remote things, bathing several times with cold water because of …
Eyes Web What is Eyes Web : White eyeball is called eyes web. Treatment : Mix 25 drops of carbolic acid into 30 ml castor oil and drip two …
Naktandhya and Nakulandhya What is Naktandhya and Nakulandhya : This disease occurs because of kapha disorder in which the patient is unable to observe at night but he can …
Cataract What is Cataract : Cataract occurs because of hurt in the corneal, old age, diabetes, and gout, lungs burning sensation, artery diseases and many other diseases. There are two …
Lachrymatites (lachrymal fistula) What is Lachrymatites (lachrymal fistula) : Pus comes out from eyes constantly if there is a sore in lachrymal gland. Water also comes along with pus from …
Eyes Ache What is Eyes Ache : Sometimes, it happens that there is no redness, swelling and other disease in the eyes in medical check up but there is ache …
Granular Trachoma What is Granular Trachoma : In this disease, some small red eruptions appear on the eyelids’ inner layer. These eruptions pinch in the eyes. The patient feels that …