Keratitis What is Keratitis : Lot of water comes from the eyes in this disease named keratitis. Eyes close because of swelling, pain and when the patient goes in …
Amblyopia What is Amblyopia : Lack of observation during day is called amblyopia. This disease occurs in the lack of vitamin A or excessive sex. Symptom : In the …
Stye (Bilni) Symptom : Small soft pimples appear on the eyelids. There is little pain also in these pimples. Treatment : Castor seeds, (sfatika) and tankan – a type …
Skye What is Stye : If a sty appears on an eyelid, second stye grows soon on the other eyelids after bursting the first. Sties appear simultaneously and this process …
Trachoma (Rohe) What is Trachoma (Rohe) : Trachoma is very dangerous eye disease. Generally, this disease is called ‘rohe’. It can take another person in its grasp only by shaking …
Eyelids and Eyebrow What is Eyelids and Eyebrow : Eyelids and eyebrow get affected from different kinds of disorders. Sometimes, small pimples appear on the eyelids because of which …
Blephritis What is Blephritis : Swelling comes on the eyelids and eyelid’s hair fall in this disease. It is called swelling of the eyelids or blephritis. Treatment : Grind red …
Diseases of Eyes Introduction : Eye diseases occur due to excessive cold, hurt and many other causes. Consequently, the patient suffers from such symptoms as purulent matter in eyes …