The main work of excerption is performed by the kidneys. The kidneys are blood purifiers.
When the urine analysis shows albumin, it is evidence that the kidneys are involved.
Kidneys may be slowed up by protein-rich and uric-acid forming foods, by irritating acids caused by colds and by weakness and fatigue. Worry, overwork, wrong food and drink cold and exposure put a strain upon the kidneys.
To clear up sluggish kidneys drink herb teas, eliminate meat and other proteins for a time and live on a simple diet. Plenty of fruit and vegetable juices are recommended.
Salt and other condiments put special strain on the kidneys. Also constant use of alcohol, drugs and chemical irritants affect the kidneys.
Plenty of fresh air and sunshine, bathing massage and mild exercise help the kidneys in their function. There will be less strain on the kidneys when the skin and lungs are in condition to function properly.
Since the kidneys and bladder are correlated in their function of excretion, the same medication is suitable for both.
The following herbs are recommended in kidney and bladder disorders. Swamp lily root, marshmallow root, cheese plant, buchu leaves, corn silk, juniper berries and wahoo bark. A tea of caraway seeds is recommended for irritation of the bladder.
The residents of the Cape Cod area drink cranberries for relief from kidney and bladder infection. Cranberries in turn are effective as a deterrent to the formation of kidney stones.
In the case of dropsy, horsetail and wahoo bark are recommended. The following formula is also effective in treating dropsy: Juniper berries, stinging nettle, yarrow, and rosemary and horsetail grass.
Waste substances resulting from the function of other organs include ammonia, uric acid, creatine and sulphuric acid. If these substances are not excreted properly and promptly, they become potent enough to cause physical impairment. Urinary disorders may develop into such ailments as nephritis or Bright’s disease and nephrosis.