Just what is the cause of multiple sclerosis has not been fully ascertained. Eventually it may be proved to be a disease of malnutrition and best treated nutritionally.
Non-civilized races do not have this disease. However, when they come in contact with the diet of civilization they begin to contract multiple sclerosis.
In multiple sclerosis patients there is an abnormal blood sugar level and a calcium deficiency. Excessive amounts of carbohydrates cause skyrocketing rises and falls in blood sugar.
Improvement in multiple sclerosis patients has been obtained with the B vitamins are necessary for proper functioning of the carbohydrate metabolism.
Multiple sclerosis is thought to be a disorder of fat metabolism. A diet rich in fats, especially animal fats, may be one of the factors which brings on this disease.
Billions of favorable bacteria are in the normal intestine, Antibiotics kill all the intestinal flora as well as pyridoxine, niacin becomes a poison. Also, tryptophan, one of the essential amines, cannot be used properly. This conditioning the intestines can also act on the myelin the fatty protein sheath covering the nerves. When no pyridoxine is present, the myelin breaks down and myelin damage is the basic symptom of multiple sclerosis. Since the myelin damage is the myelin sheath is a protein substance, a sufficient supply of good protein in the diet would be valuable in maintaining the proper strength and would be valuable in maintaining the proper strength and thickness of this nerve covering. Chemical drugs also destroy these favorable bacteria in the intestines.
A suggested diet in multiple sclerosis consists of plenty of good protein, no white sugar or carbohydrates, plenty of calcium , vitamin B complex ( brewer’s yeast), desiccated liver kelp , safflower oil and rose hips.
A good combination of nerve herbs should be of special help in multiple sclerosis.
The general health is a major factor in reducing the number of cases of this dreaded disease.