After effects of shock and factors affecting the degree of shock
- Blood pressure falls.
- Blood flow to heart is so that the heart beats faster.
- The blood vessels in constrict, so that most of the available blood is sent supply to the vital organs of the body like the heart, brain, and kidneys. This ensures supply of oxygen and nutrients to these structures.
- As the shock progresses, the blood supply to the internal is shut off so that they undergo necrosis and lose their function.
- If the shock is not treated in time, even the vital organs do not receive blood and the shock becomes irreversible.
- The final stage is of death.
Factors affecting the degree of shock
- Pain: neurogenic shock in severity with the severity of pain.
- Fatigue: It increases severity of shock.
- Chronic diseases: persons having chronic diseases develop shock easily.
- Physical condition: people who are starved or exposed to extremes of heat or cold develop shock more easily.