15 Simple Home Treatment/Remedies for “Fhosphoturea and Chylurea” its symptoms and reason

Fhosphoturea and Chylurea

What is Fhosphoturea and Chylurea:

This disease is caused by any disturbance in the kidney.


Owing to the disturbance of the kidney excessive phosphate start on coming with urine because of which urine becomes white.


  1.  Grind half to two grams white cumin seed to make the powder and taking it two and three times daily cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  2.  Grind pashanabhed in milk and give it to the child in the morning and evening provides benefit in fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  3.  Mix about one gram lodh with sugar candy and taking it 3 and 4 times in a day for 3 to 4 days cures fhoshoturea and chylurea. In this disease, take 20 to 30 grams lorghasav twice a day, it provides benefit.
  4.  Shuffle about half to one gram puffed paddy of borax in mixed honey with water and taking it in the morning and evening cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  5.  Grind 3 to 6 grams nut-grass and taking it with milk in the morning and evening, it cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  6.  Take the powder of long zedoary or its solution in the morning and evening, it cures fhoshoturea and chylurea and burning sensation.
  7.  Take about half to one gram gum of balsam in the morning and evening, it cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  8.  If you have been suffering form fhoshoturea and chylurea, boil turmeric and Indian berberry to make the decoction and take 20 to 40 ml of it in the morning and evening, it cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  9.  Take a decoction of the bark of pipal two and three times in day, it removes the warmth of the urine and cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  10.  Grind a little quantity of basil leaves, mix in sugar candy water and taking it three and four times in day cures fhoshoturea and chylurea consequently, urine starts on coming properly.
  11.  Grind basil leaves and mix it in water and take it, it cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  12.  Grind 10 grams cus-cus and 10 grams white sandal wood and filter it through a cotton cloth. Put it in a clean glass bottle and taking one to three grams of it with honey in the morning and evening, it cures all the diseases of urine.
  13.  Take 3 to 5 grams triphala with lukewarm water before going to the bed at night daily, it cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  14.  Mix 40 ml decoction of wild thyme, vinegar and honey and take it to get benefit in fhoshoturea and chylurea.
  15.  Take 3 pinch powder equal quantity of filtered powder of bamboo manna, cubeb and cardamom through a cotton pieces cloth with milk and sugar candy, it cures fhoshoturea and chylurea.

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