45 Simple Home Treatment/Remedies for “Bad Smell of the Mouth or Body” its symptoms and reason

Bad Smell of the Mouth or Body


Sore appear gradually into the mouth because of the mouth or tongue blisters. In this way, bad smell comes out from the mouth. Mouth smell comes out from the mouth if a person suffers from gums and teeth diseases.

Causes :

When a person suffers from mouth of tongue, blisters and pus occur from them. Bad smell starts to come from the mouth or the breath of the victim. It can be occur due to indigestion. If a person suffers from teeth worms and gums bleeding, bad smell starts to come out from his mouth and breath. Victim of this disease exhales foul smell from his mouth and breath while breathing.

Symptoms :

If there are blisters in the mouth or on the tongue, the patient tastes spicy to the food. Bad smell comes out from the mouth and saliva occurs repeatedly in the mouth.

Treatment :

  1.  Bad smell of the mouth ends by sucking greater galangal.
  2.  Bad smell of the mouth and body ends if a person sucks one pinch powder of greater galangal root.
  3.  Bad smell of the mouth ends by chewing the bark of zanthxulum rhesta root twice or thrice a day. Mouth becomes sweet-scented by its use.
  4.  Chew or suck a few toasted cloves to remain far from bad smell of the mouth.
  5.  Dissolve 4 grams borax in 116 ml water and gargle. Its use ends the bad smell of the mouth and cures other mouth diseases.
  6.  Mix 1\4 gram to one gram puffed borax in honey. Take this preparation twice or thrice a day to destroy the bad smell of the mouth. Do not take this medicine after getting relief.
  7.  Dissolve salt in hot water and gargle. This medicine ends the bad smell of the mouth.
  8.  If bad smell comes out from the mouth due to disturbad indigestion system, chew half-gram aniseed after having meal twice a day. Its use ends bad smell of the mouth and voice becomes clear.
  9.  Mix one lemon juice in one glass water and gargle in the morning to destroy bad smell of the mouth.
  10.  Take 20-40 ml juice of triphala 4 times a day. Its regular use ends the bad smell of the mouth.
  11.  Prepare the fine powder by grinding spikenard, costus root, aniseed, big cardamom, white cumin seed, zingiber zerumbet and balchhad each 10 grams. Mix 70 grams raw sugar in this powder and take 5-5 grams twice a day with water. Its use ends the bad smell of the mouth and the origin of saliva.
  12.  Grind 25 grams balchhad and filter. This powder should take 2-2 grams with water twice a day. Its use cures mouth diseases and ends the bad smell of the mouth.
  13.  Chew liquorice everyday. It ends the bad smell of the mouth.
  14.  Take 6 grams jawaris jalinus with water regularly twice a day after having meal; its use ends the bad smell of the mouth.
  15.  Toast cumin seed and eat. Its use ends the bad smell of the mouth and breath.
  16.  Every kinds of bad smell of the mouth destroy by chewing basil leaves.
  17.  If bad smell comes out from the nose, pour basil leaves juice in nostrils. Its use ends the germs of the nose
  18.  Grind mint leaves and after that dissolve into water. Gargle 3-4 times a day with this water to destroy bad smell of the mouth. Its use cures also other mouth diseases.
  19.  Fragrance remains into the mouth always by eating green coriander. Eat green coriander after having onion, garlic to remain far from bad smell of the mouth.
  20.  Dissolve one spoon its juice in one glass water. Its use ends the bad smell of the mouth.
  21.  If bad smell comes out from the breath or mouth, chew cardamom many times a day. Its use ends the bad smell of the mouth after eating garlic and onion.
  22.  If the cause of mouth bad smell is constipation and teeth problems, take 10 pieces dry grapes for 15 days to end it.
  23.  If bad smell comes out from the mouth because of gum or teeth disease, apply zanthoxylum rhesta oil on the gums and teeth to end bad smell of the mouth.
  24.  Chew seeds of latakasturi to keep mouth neat and sweet scented.
  25.  Mix half gram to one-gram Indian bdellium with the gum of acacia Arabica and eat. Its use ends the bad smell of the mouth and breath.
  26.  Bad smell of the mouth disappears by sucking small pieces of nutmeg 2-3 times a day. Remember one thing that its excessive use may the cause of giddiness and unconsciousness.
  27.  Mix one spoon honey and half spoon powder of cinnamon in two cups of water. Its use ends the bad smell of the mouth and the person feels freshness.
  28.  If a person has been suffering from bad smell of the mouth, he should suck cinnamon pieces to remain far from bad smell. Its use strengthens teeth.
  29.  Bad smell of the mouth ends by chewing spikenard.
  30.  Bad smell of the mouth ends by chewing zedoary and mouth becomes clean.
  31.  Bad smell of the mouth ends by chewing Hedychium spicatum. There is no need to be worried if its juice is swallowed because it is used for the treatment of many diseases.
  32.  Bad smell of the mouth ends by chewing Indian rheubarb.
  33.  Mix black peppers in 700-1050 ml juice of Bengal quince leaves. Its regular use ends the bad smell of the mouth and body.
  34.  Grind mandi churna along with sour water (kanji) and take 1-2 grams regularly. Its regular use ends the bad smell of the body.
  35.  Bad smell of the mouth ends by sucking smell pieces of rumi mastgi.
  36.  Chew or rub fresh rose petals on the gums to destroy gums diseases.
  37.  Grind rose flowers and dissolve in water. Apply this paste on the body and take bath after some time. This formula remains body far from bad smell.
  38.  Mix curd and gram flour altogether. Apply this paste on the body. Its use ends the bad smell of the body.
  39.  Bad smell of the mouth and breath destroy if a person eats jiggery or betel leaf after taking onion and garlic.
  40.  Bad smell does not come out from the mouth if a person eats jiggery after eating radish.
  41.  Digestion system becomes strong by drinking carrot juice. Poisonous germs and bad smell of the stool end by its use.
  42.  Mix conch powder in the juice of Malabar nut and apply on the body. Its use ends the bad smell of the body.
  43.  Boil two spoons seeds of fenugreek in one glass of water and keep after filtering. Give these fenugreek seeds to the patient to eat and allow to gargling and drinking of this water.
  44.  There is no bad smell in the mouth if a person chews mint leaves after regular short intervals. Boil 15-20 leaves of mint in one glass water and gargle with this water to remain far from bad smell of the mouth.

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