300 Simple Home Treatment/Remedies for “Simple Fever” its symptoms and reason


(Jawar, Bukhar)

Introduction :

Naturally. the temperature of our body is about 98.4°C. When this temperature increases more than normal temperature, it is called the condition of fever

Causes :

Fever occurs due to infection of dangerous bacteria. These bacteria causes Pyrosion named poisonous substance in the body cells, which causes disorders in temperature control center in the brain. As a result, patient feels fever. Infect, fever helps to destroy the bacteria of disease. During this period, there are starting the different types of biotic process and helps to destroy the bacteria of fever too. Fever of a long time is harmful for the body because during that time, there is scarcity of water in the body due to increase of temperature of the internal part of the body, which causes of contraction of the cells of blood veins and urine pipes and protein level of the cells start to decrease. As a result, different types of diseases occur in the brain. Common fever also occurs due to hard work, cold and warmth in the body. In this situation, body temperature is increased. The normal temperature of the body is 98.4°C. It can be decreased or increased too. Mouth temperature (which is measured by the mouth) is 1/2°C more than armpit. Sometimes, it also increases by irregular diet, mental emotion (wave), etc. When sexual debility occurs due to improper diet, many types of fever and diseases occur in the body caused by its effects. Fever also occurs due to anorexia, irregular loose motions, chronic constipation, sadness, anger, fear, worry, repentance ness, over eating, drinking spring water, scorching heat, excessive cold, ulcer and pimples in the body, drinking poison, eating without hunger, eating partially cooked food stuffs, excess copulation, living in the dirty places, wetting in the rain, combination of cold and warmth, bad effect of planets (grah-peera), punishment, bad effect of spirits, constipation, etc. When vatta disorders move in the stomach due to fast velocity after polluting, that time pores stop sweating. As a result, temperature increases in the body that is called fever.

Symptoms :

The patient feels mystification while fever. There are several symptoms in fever. They are following. as- headache, pain in the muscles of hands and feet, severe pain in the whole body, mystification, nausea, anorexia, stick dirty on the tongue, feeling cold and shivering, excessive sweat, fatigue, disgust, vapid taste of the mouth, watery eyes, yawn, heaviness of the body, dryness of the tongue, fast pulse rate, fast breathing, retention of urine and other symptoms.

Treatment :

  1. Grind the soft leaves and copals (soft leaves) of Kareel together thereafter prepare tablet from it. Tie this tablet on the wrist, it causes of blotch and cures fever.
  2.  The fever disappears soon by tying root of it on the neck.
  3.  Grind 10 grams leaves of Malabar nut and 10 grams Indian gooseberry together put it in a bowl with water at overnight. In the next morning, crush this mixture and give it to the patient to drink after mixing with 10 grams sugar candy. It is useful to cure fever due to bile.
  4.  Mix 10 ml juice of Malabar nut, 5 ml ginger juice and some honey together thereafter give it to the patient to lick many times. It provides relief in fever.
  5.  Mix juice of Malabar nut, ginger juice, juice of basil leaves 5 ml each and liqourica powder 5 grams together. Give this mixture to the patient; it is useful to cure fever due to phlegm.
  6.  Cut a lemon and sprinkle the powder of black pepper and rock salt on it. Make light warm this piece and give to the patient to suck. It provides relief in fever.
  7.  Mix some sugar and four spoons of water with juice of half lemon thereafter give it to the patient, it cures malaria within 3-4 days.
  8.  Sprinkle some quinine in juice of citron and give it to the patient thrice a day, it cures fever due to bile and kalic. Infusion of citron leaves can be taken too.
  9.  The patient, who suffers from fever, should take juice of lemon jambhiri with water and sugar.
  10.  The fever is cured by taking 40-80 ml infusion of citron leaves twice a day regularly.
  11.  Fever is cured soon by taking syrup of sweet lemon juice.
  12.  Fever is cured by massaging the liver or whole body with the juice of sesapadula.
  13.  Make a decoction by boiling bitter sesapadula, sweet flag and chiretta with water. This decoction is useful in all types of fever. If the patient also suffers from constipation with fever, he can take this decoction.
  14.  Make a decoction by boiling sesapadula leaves and coriander with water thereafter give it to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in fever due to bile.
  15.  Take decoction of the gangeran root sweat, it starts to blow because of that, fever is cured.
  16.  Mix 7 grams honey and 4 grams cow ghee with 10 ml juice of ripe pomegranate thereafter give it to the patient twice a day because it helps to cure fever. Tae other medicine repeatedly feels mystification but this medicine, it is beneficial and patient wants take this medicine repeatedly.
  17.  Mix 5 ml ginger juice and 5 ml betel juice with honey thereafter give it to the patient to lick many times. It provides relief in fever.
  18.  Mix a spoon of honey with equal quantity of gingers juice and give it to the patient to drink 3-4 times in a day in the case of fever.
  19.  Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger, winter cherry, pittapapara, cuscus, nut grass and red sandal with water and cool it. Taking this decoction cures vomiting, bile disorders, inflammation and quenches thirst.
  20.  Mix rock salt, gingers juice and trikuta together thereafter give it to the patient twice a day for some days regularly. It provides relief in collapse fever.
  21.  Fever of high temperature is cured by licking 6 ml juice of ginger with 6 grams honey.
  22.  Make a decoction by boiling ginger and mint with water and give to the patient, it causes sweat and cures fever. This process is also useful in cold fever. Ginger and mint is very useful for vatta and kapha natured persons.
  23.  Mix 5 ml juice of ginger with 5 grams honey and give it to the patient to licking, it ends mystification and warmth due to fever.
  24.  Mix ginger juice with mint decoction and take it to get relief in fever.
  25.  Make a decoction by boiling 10 grams pyllitory root with 200 ml water and mix 5 ml ginger juice in it. Collapsing fever is cured by giving this decoction to the patient.
  26.  Make a powder by grinding pyllitory root and chiretta 10 grams each together thereafter give 3 grams to the patient with water because it helps to cure fever.
  27.  Cook powder of pyllitory root with olive oil and massage the body with this oil. It causes sweat and abates fever.
  28.  Chronic fever is also cured by taking 4-6 drops chiretta juice with half-gram powder of pyllitory root.
  29.  Chronic fever is subsided by giving powder of arjuna tree bark with jiggery syrup.
  30.  Boil 25 basils leaves, 15 pieces of black pepper, 10 grams ginger and 10 grams cinnamon bark with water. Giving some-some water to the patient many times provides relief in fever.
  31.  Boil 20 leaves of basil, 20 pieces of black pepper, 9g ginger and 2g of cinnamon bark with 50 ml water as tea thereafter mix 25g sugar candy or sugar in it. Giving this warm tea to the patient twice or thrice a day is useful to cure common fever.
  32.  The decoction of basils leaves should be taken because it causes to sweat and helps to cure fever.
  33.  Boil 8-10 leaves of basil, half spoon of cloves powder, half spoon of dry ginger powder and one spoon of black peppers powder in a glass of water until remains half water then filter it properly and mix sugar. Giving three spoon of this medicine to the patient 3-4 times in a day cures fever within some time.
  34.  Boil 10 leaves of basil, 3g dry ginger, 5 pieces of cloves, 21 pieces of black pepper and sugar according to taste with water until remains half water then give it to the patient. It is useful to cure fever within sometimes.
  35.  If the patient feels mystification while fever, he should take sharbat of juice of basils leaves because it helps to end mystification.
  36.  Taking the decoction of bark of plum tree is useful in the fever.
  37.  Fever is cured by drinking 4 ml juice of black flavieria repanda.
  38.  Chronic fever is reduced by taking cow whey with the powder of five-leaved chaste.
  39.  Fever is cured by taking cow whey with the powder of cassia angustifolia.
  40.  The fever is cured by taking milk or juice of dry grape with pudding pipe.
  41.  Dissolve turpeth root with juice of dry grape and give to the patient to cure fever.
  42.  Take some kernels of coriander with cold water; it is useful to get relief in fever.
  43.  Mix sugar candy and honey with coriander water thereafter give it to the patient; it provides relief in inflammation and quenches thirst caused by fever.
  44.  Make a decoction by boiling equal quantity of coriander and pittapapara with water thereafter give it to the patient, it cures chronic fever.
  45.  Mix 2g dry ginger 1 ml juice of coriander and give it to the patient, it cures fever and increases appetite.
  46.  Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger, Himalayan cedar, coriander, solanum Xanthocarpum and solanum indicum 6 grams each with water. Giving this decoction to the patient cures all types of fever. Keep attention that the patient should be not drink water for an hour.
  47.  Make a powder by grinding equal quantity of dry ginger, fiagonia Arabica, cuscus, nut grass and pierorhiza together. Fever is cured by taking 6g this powder with lukewarm water twice a day regularly.
  48.  Make a decoction by boiling tinospora, coriander, neem bark, mild Himalaya cherry and red sandal 6 grams each with water. All types of fever are cured by taking this decoction twice a day.
  49.  Make a powder by grinding equal quantity of tinospora, piper root, long peeper, myrabalan chebulie, clove, neem bark, white sandal, aniseed, pierorhiza and chiretta together. Giving 3-6 grams this powder to the youth and 1 to 2 grams to the children with lukewarm water provides relief in fever.
  50.  Make a powder by grinding equal quantity of tinospora, dry ginger, coriander, chiretta and sugar candy together. The patient feels relief in all types of fever by taking this one spoon this powder thrice a day regularly.
  51.  Mix powder of long pepper and honey with juice of tinospora thereafter give it to the patient, it cures chronic fever and cough.
  52.  Lick the fine powder of tinospora with honey; it cures chronic fever.
  53.  The patient, who suffers from fever due to sunstroke, should take sauce of raw mango.
  54.  Grind equal quantity of eagle wood and ogatavar together thereafter make decoction from it after boiling. Fever is cured by taking this decoction.
  55.  Grind fine eagle wood and take it with water, it helps to cure fever.
  56.  Make the powder by grinding eagle wood, sandal and cobra saffron together and after boil it with water plum bark. Fever is cured by coating it on the body.
  57.  Grind black pepper and leaves of premna together, and give it to the patient because it helps to cure fever.
  58.  The fever does not occur by taking gulakanda of Girmala flowers.
  59.  The fever is cured by applying juice of Mundopati leaves in the eyes.
  60.  Boil 20g aniseed in 300 ml water and filter it properly. Now make decoction with 10g of it after adding 250g of water in it. Taking this decoction gives relief in loose motion, feeling in fever.
  61.  In the condition of severe (high) fever, boil aniseed in water and give two spoons of this medicine to the patient repeatedly. It helps to decrease temperature of fever.
  62.  If someone suffers from vomiting in fever, he should juice of aniseed after every sometimes.
  63.  Make sauce by grinding 50g Indian gooseberry and 50g grapes properly. Lick this sauce several times in a day, it quenches thirst and ends mystification caused by fever.
  64.  Take the decoction of Indian gooseberry twice a day, it provides relief in ul2 chronic fever and cough of old age.
  65.  Grind Indian gooseberry, leadwort, and small myrabalan and long pepper 6 grams each together. Boil this mixture with 300 ml water until remains ¼ parts then give it to the patient, it helps to cure fever.
  66.  Grind myrabalan chebulie, pierorhiza, pudding pipe tree and extract of Indian gooseberry 20 grams each together thereafter boil this mixture with 500 ml water until remains ¼ parts then filter it properly and fill in a bottle. Mix 20 grams honey in this decoction and give it to the patient twice or thrice in a day at an interval of 2 hours. It is useful to cure fever.
  67.  Grind 10 leaves of andrographis paniculata and 5 pieces of black pepper in water and take it with water. Use this process for a week; it is useful to cure chronic fever.
  68.  Mix 5 ml juice of bengle quince leaves with honey and give it to the children to lick because it helps to cure fever.
  69.  Boil one-gram bengle quince with water until remains 1/8 parts then mix honey in it. The patient, who suffers from fever, should take 20 ml this decoction twice a day because it provides relief.
  70.  Fever and dry cough are cured by taking decoction of leaves of bengle quince.
  71.  Mix 3g powder of long pepper and 5 ml juice of ginger with 10g honey thereafter lick it and drink lukewarm water on it. Use this process twice or thrice a day, it is useful to cure fever.
  72.  Give 3-4g powder of pierorhiza to the patient with honey, it cures fever, cold fever and inflammation caused by fever too.
  73.  Make a decoction by boiling 5 grams pierorhiza root powder and 5 grams chiretta with water thereafter mix 10 grams sugar candy in it. Fever is cured by taking this decoction twice a day.
  74.  The patient gets relief in fever by taking about one gram karoo with honey twice a day.
  75.  Give 1-2 grams powder of fruit (tuber root) of small sandal to the patient with black peppers twice a day, it provides relief in fever.
  76.  Take 1-4 grams fried powder of holarrhena antidysentrica wall or Holarrhena antidysentrica wall decoction with honey, it is useful to cure cold fever.
  77.  The fever is cured by taking about half to one-gram powder of Indian birthwort twice a day.
  78.  Take about half to one gram impure carbonate of potash with neem juice or decoction, it causes sweat and reduces fever. This medicine causes excessive sweat.
  79.  Give half to one-gram nitre to the patient with lukewarm water, it causes sweat and reduces fever.
  80.  Take 600mg to 1800mg of camphor or 5 to 20 drops of karpurasav or 28ml to 58ml of karpurambu (water of camphor). It develops the blood veins and helps to excrete out sweat. Because of it, fever is reduced.
  81.  If someone suffers from insomnia due to fever and headache, grind camphor, saffron, sandal together, and make a paste thereafter, apply it on the head. It provides relief in above symptoms.
  82.  Put 4-5 pieces of camphor in betel leaf and give it to the patient to eat; it causes sweat and reduces fever within half an hour.
  83.  Take spongy sugar-cake after drip a little of sandal oil on it, and then drinks water. It cures burning sensation and ends thirst.
  84.  Give infusion of aloe-tree to the patient, it quenches thirst and provides energy in the body.
  85.  Take 3-4g powder of Himalayan cedar or 10-40 drops of Himalayan Cedar oil, it starts excessive sweat and increases urine amount. This oil and powder reduces fever with swelling.
  86.  Take about half to one-gram powder of Indian valerian rhizome with honey twice a day, it provides relief in the physical weakness and looseness of the heart caused by fever.
  87.  Take about half to one-gram mace twice a day; it reduces fever. Keep attention that over quantity of it may be caused of giddiness and nervousness.
  88.  Take 2g powder of Indian atees with water at an interval of 4-4 hours, it starts sweat and cures fever.
  89.  Mix powder of it with honey and give it to the suffered children according to the position of fever. It provides relief in fever, asthma, cough and vomiting.
  90.  Mix powder of Indian atees and nut grass with honey and give to the small children. It provides relief in fever and prevents vomiting.
  91.  Fever is cured by taking 1-2g powder of Indian atees with water 3-4 times in a day.
  92.  The patient should take one-gram powder of Indian atees with lukewarm water 4-5 times in a day because it causes sweat and cures fever. It also helps in urination clearly.
  93.  Giving 2g powder of Indian atees and 2g powder of barbering to the children with 1-gram honey to lick destroys the stomach worms.
  94.  Take half-gram powder of Indian atees, it reduces warmth of the fever.
  95.  In the common fever, grind 10g powder of Indian atees with 20g sugar candy and store it. Give 1g this powder to the elders and half gram to the younger with honey twice a day, it provides relief in fever.
  96.  The patient should take about half gram powder of Indian atees with about one gram ash of green vitriol to cure fever.
  97.  Grind cloves with lukewarm water and give it to the patient many times in a day because it reduces fever.
  98.  Boil four pieces of clove with some water and take it repeatedly. It helps to cure fever.
  99.  Common fever is cured by taking one ground piece of clove with lukewarm water thrice a day regularly.
  100.  Chronic fever is cured by taking 3g powder of terminalia with tinospora juice twice or thrice a day.
  101.  Fever is cured by taking 5-10 ml juice of coral tree leaves twice a day.
  102.  The fever is reduced, if the patient takes powder of coral tree bark twice a day.
  103.  The patient gets relief in fever by taking 3-6 grams leaves powder or panchang (leaf, stem, root, fruit and flower) juice or infusion or decoction of five-leaved chast.
  104.  The patient gets relief in chronic fever by taking 10-20 ml decoction of kurchi bark twice a day.
  105.  Take about ¼ grams powder of Indian beech seeds, twice a day; it cures fever and body gets the strength.
  106.  Give about ¼ grams powder of Kantkaranj seeds to the patient with black peppers twice a day; it is useful to cure common fever, cold fever and malaria.
  107.  All types of fever are cured by taking 10-20 ml leaves juice or about half gram root of it twice a day.
  108.  Grind kernels of Indian beech with water and drip it on the navel because it helps to cure fever due to phlegm.
  109.  Grind three soft leaves of Indian beech and 2 pieces of black peppers with water thereafter drip it on the navel; it helps to cure fever due to phlegm.
  110.  The fever is cured by taking 20-40 ml decoction of root of cow hage.
  111.  The patient, who suffers from fever, should take 10-20 ml juice of Vedmushak leaves twice a day.
  112.  Mix equal quantity of Mahabala root and dry ginger together. Give 20-40 gram this medicine to the patient with water twice or thrice a day regularly, it provides relief in typhoid.
  113.  Grind 4 grams Sahadevi leaves and 5 pieces of black peppers thereafter mix both with 20 ml water. Fever is cured by taking this mixture thrice a day.
  114.  Twenty to forty ml decoction or 6-10 ml leaves juice of it should be taken twice a day as dose because it causes fever and helps to end fever.
  115. Give 20-40 ml decoction of root or leaves of Indian mallow to the patient twice a day, it calms inflammation caused by fever.
  116.  Give the decoction of cotton plant seeds to the patient before fever; it reduces possibility of fever.
  117.  Take 1-2 grams root of this medicine with whey twice a day, it makes liver activity fit and brings out polluted bile.
  118.  The patient gets relief in fever, if he taken 3-6 grams bark of Naagdanti root with sal-ammonic twice a day.
  119.  Mix 40 grams powder of khorasan thorn with cold water and take it as well as mop the body with it. Use this process to end inflammation and thirst due to fever.
  120.  If someone suffers from fever, he should take about ¼ parts powder of panchang (root, stem, leaf, fruit and flower) maiden hair with honey twice a day because it provides relief.
  121.  The patient should take cooked vegetable of it in the case of fever.
  122.  Take 20 to 40 ml fresh juice of Vishnukanta (neelsankhpushpi) twice a day, it reduces much sleeping due to fever.
  123.  The temperature gets reduced by taking 5-10 ml juice of it with toasted borax and honey.
  124.  Drink 5-10 ml juice of root of cleome viscosa twice a day, it is useful to end weakness and laziness due to fever.
  125.  The patient should take cooked vegetable of it and coat on the affected part, it reduces pain due to fever.
  126.  Cook cabbage root with rice and give to the patient twice a day because it provides relief in fever.
  127.  Take about half to one gram Kukroundha powder or 10 ml decoction of five-leaved chast twice a day, it provides relief in fever due to sweat and phlegm.
  128.  The body weakness ends due to fever by taking mixture of 1-2 lotus petals, white sandal, red sandal, liqourica and mustak twice a day.
  129.  Chronic fever disappears by taking juice of 7-8 leaves of it with ginger juice and honey twice a day.
  130.  Mix betel juice, ginger juice and honey 6 ml each together thereafter give to the patient twice a day because it helps to cure fever.
  131.  Grind about ¼ grams sal-ammonic with one piece of black peppers and give to the patient with lukewarm water before one hour of fever. Fever does not occur by using this process.
  132.  The fever does not occur by taking one-gram fine powder of bayberry with water before fever.
  133.  Squeeze a lemon in 80 ml water of lime and give 40ml to the patient with water before fever and remained 40 ml water should be given after one hour. Use this process; it is useful to cure fever.
  134.  Make a decoction by boiling cyprus, pittapapara, cuscus, white sandal, winter cherry and dry ginger with water thereafter give it to the patient, it quenches thirst and cures inflammation due to fever.
  135.  Take a decoction of Cyprus with honey twice a day, it provides relief in fever, loose motions and fever due to bile because Cyprus is stimulant and causes sweat and helps in urination clearly.
  136.  Make warm about four ml juice of betel leaf and give it to the patient 2-3 times, it prevents fever.
  137.  The patient gets relief in fever; he takes 1-3 grams this medicine with honey twice a day.
  138.  The fever temperature is reduced by taking half to one-gram fine powder of tinospora.
  139.  Mix sugar with decoction of pulp of gmelina arberea and give it to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in fever due to bile.
  140.  Fever is cured by taking 40 ml decoction of gmelina root twice or thrice a day regularly.
  141.  If someone suffers from inflammation and thirst due to typhoid, mix sugar or sugar candy in warm decoction of gmelina and give it to the patient after cooling twice a day, it provides relief in fever.
  142.  In the case of fever due to bile, one spoon juice of gmelina fruits should be given to the patient thrice a day regularly.
  143.  Give infusion of root of white padal to the patient, it provides relief in mystification due to fever.
  144.  Mix ghee with decoction of Jivanti root and give to the patient because it provides relief in fever.
  145.  The fever is cured by taking 40 ml decoction of Wild bhung panchang (stem, root, leaf, fruit and flower) twice or thrice a day regularly.
  146.  Taking 2-4 grams wild kidney bean twice a day is useful to reduce fever and inflammation. It also increases body strength.
  147.  The fever is cured, if the patient takes 5 grams powder of winter cherry with 3 grams tinospora powder with lukewarm water before going to bed.
  148.  Give about ¼ grams powder of Ankole root to the patient with water thrice a day; it is useful to reduce excessive sweat in fever.
  149.  Grind 25 grams ankol root and 25 grams dry ginger with water and after that coat it on the body, it ends inflammation due to fever.
  150.  The patient, who suffers from seasonally fever, should take 2-5 grams powder of ankole root twice a day because it provides relief.
  151.  Boil 10 grams ankole root, 3 grams cactus root, 3 grams long pepper and 6-gram beleric myrabalan with one-liter water until remains 1/8 parts then filter it after cooling. Mix sugar candy in this decoction and give it to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in influenza or infectious catarrh.
  152.  If someone suffers from pain due to fever, he should tie ankole leaves after making warm on the affected parts to get relief in pain.
  153.  In the case of inflammation due to fever, grind ankole fruits with water and rub it on the body, it provides relief in inflammation.
  154.  Mix about half gram impure carbonate of potash and half-gram long peppers with 6 grams ginger thereafter give it to the patient twice a day. This process is useful to cure malaria.
  155.  Relapsing fever disappears by taking decoction of neem bark.
  156.  Grind fine neem leaves, tinospora, basil leaves, hurhur leaves 20 grams each and 6 grams black peppers together. Mix this mixture with water and prepare tablets equal of half gram from it. Taking one tablets with lukewarm water after every 2 hours provides relief in influenza.
  157.  Make a powder by grinding 5 grams neem bark and half-gram cloves or half-gram cinnamon together thereafter give 2 grams this powder to the patient with water twice a day because it provides relief in common fever.
  158.  Grind soft leaves of neem and squeeze it with the help of cloth to separate juice. Mix honey in this juice and give it to the patient twice or thrice a day, it reduces fever.
  159.  Grind dry ginger, tinospora, neem bark, coriander, red sandal and padamkashth together. Fever is cured by taking this mixture.
  160.  Make a decoction by boiling neem bark, helle-bore, tinospora and Indian atees with water and after that give to the patient because it provides relief in fever.
  161.  Grind opium with collyrium and camphor and give it to the patient because it helps to cure chronic fever.
  162.  Boil one dode opium and 7 pieces of black peppers with water and give to the patient twice a day to cure relapsing fever.
  163.  Relapsing fever is cured by taking garlic.
  164.  Mix some ground garlic with water and make poultice from it. Sever fever is cured by smelling this packet.
  165.  Fever is cured by taking garlic juice with some water thrice a day.
  166.  Take froth that is originated by mixing milk of the cow and goat with together with sugar candy. It is subsided chronic fever.
  167.  Boil about one liter milk on low flame until remains half milk then mix 20 grams honey, 20 grams sugar, 15 grams ghee and 10 grams powder of long peppers in this milk after cooling. Chronic fever and cough are cured by taking this mixture.
  168.  Give 20-40 ml decoction of bullet wood to the patient twice a day, it is useful to end weakness due to chronic fever.
  169.  Give juice of kadam fruits to the patient; it reduces excessive thirst due to fever.
  170.  Fourty to sixty ml juice of caldera bush should be given to the patient because it causes sweat and cures fever, and increases energy in the body too.
  171.  Grind 10-12 buds or flowers of shoe flower and mix it with water. Give this medicine to the patient twice a day provides relief in fever due to bile.
  172.  Make a decoction by boiling leaves and fruits of putranjiva roxburghli with water thereafter give it to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in fever.
  173.  Make a decoction by boiling leaves and bark of birch with water thereafter give 20-40 ml this decoction to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in fever due to bile.
  174.  The patient gets relief in fever; he takes 20-40 ml decoction of Sihora bark twice a day.
  175.  The patient gets relief in fever by taking drinking water of raw coconut.
  176.  Take orange, it cures fever and quenches excessive thirst. It is also useful to increase appetite.
  177.  The patient should coat juice of leaves of middle plum on the body because it calms inflammation due to fever.
  178.  Wash 20 grams small and red plum and grind them (the plums should without hole). Make a decoction by boiling this ground plum with water and filter it. Mix sugar candy in this decoction after cooling and give it to the patient because it calms inflammation and cures fever.
  179.  Boil 20 grams dried or fresh chanaber with 16 folds water until remains ¼ parts then filter it with the help of cloth. Mix some sugar in this decoction and give it to the patient, it cures inflammation and quenches thirst due to fever. It is also useful to cure fever due to bile and typhoid.
  180.  Give 20-40 ml decoction of elloopatree flowers to the patient twice or thrice a day regularly, it provides relief in cold fever and provides strength to the body.
  181.  The patient feels relief in inflammation, which occurs due to fever, by taking syrup of cluster fig.
  182.  Give 10-50 ml decoction of mulberry bark to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in fever, inflammation, mystification and quenches thirst.
  183.  The fever temperature is reduced by taking 20-40 ml decoction of Laghupeel bark twice a day.
  184.  Mosambi juice is very useful medicine in the case of fever.
  185.  The fever disappears soon by taking Kamrakh syrup.
  186.  The patient gets relief in fever if he takes panna which is made of tamarind.
  187.  Take 20 to 40 ml decoction of spinach pachang (root, stem, leaves, fruit and flower) as a dose. It cures fever due to swelling.
  188.  Take infusion or syrup of Naricha leaves, it provides relief in retention of urine, excessive sweat and reduces mouth dryness.
  189.  Fever disappears by taking 40-80 ml infusion of Patua leaves twice a day.
  190.  Coat ground fruits of it on the affected body, it reduces pain due to fever.
  191.  The patient feels relief in chronic fever, if he takes 20-40 ml decoction of Aartgal leaves twice a day.
  192.  Soak 1-2 spoons of spogal hush in water for sometimes. Give this mixture to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in fever. Keep attention that it should not be taken without soaked because it generates movement in the intestines.
  193.  The person, who suffers from fever, should take 20-40 ml decoction of chicory root twice or thrice a day regularly because it provides relief in fever.
  194.  Fever is reduced by massaging the body with oil of wild lettuce seeds.
  195.  Fever is cured by taking 1-2 grams opium of wild lettuce.
  196.  Give 1-2 ml juice of marigold flowers to the patient, it provides relief in fever.
  197.  20-40 ml decoction of Gorchhi fruits should be taken twice a day as dose to get relief in fever.
  198.  Make syrup by mixing mint leaves and sugar candy together thereafter give it to the patient to drink repeatedly. It brings out phlegm and provides relief in fever.
  199.  Cold fever is cured by taking juice or decoction of mint and ginger. It causes sweat and all types of fever. This decoction is also useful in the case of gas trouble and catarrh.
  200.  Make a decoction by boiling mint and basil with water thereafter give it to the patient, it prevents fever.
  201.  Giving 40-80 ml infusion of sweet violet flowers to the patient twice a day starts sweat and cured fever.
  202.  Boil sweet violet, onosma bracteatum, liqourica and tinospora 20 grams each with 500 ml water until remains 250 ml water then filter it. Mix 10 grams honey in this warm decoction and give it to the patient in the case of catarrh, cough and fever because it provides relief. 10-15 pieces of fig can be cast in it in the case of constipation.
  203.  Fever is cured by taking 3-4 ml infusion of chamomile flowers.
  204.  Fever is cured, if patient takes syrup of dillenia indica twice a day.
  205.  If someone suffers from typhoid, he should take 40-80 ml infusion of Mameera root twice a day because it provides relief.
  206.  The fever temperature is reduced by taking 2-4 grams seeds of peganum harmala twice a day.
  207.  Put copal (soft leaves) of aakra and some aniseed in betel leaf and chew it, and suck its juice. Using this process is useful to cure malaria, viral fever, common fever and all types of fever.
  208.  Boil 10 grams flowers of henna with 200 ml water and give it to the patient after cooling. Give this decoction to the patient; it is useful to cure inflammation and headache due to fever.
  209.  Mix turmeric and black peppers with hot milk thereafter give it to the patient after cooling because it helps to cure fever.
  210.  Fever is cured by taking two spoons of decoction of false calumba root thrice a day
  211.  Make a decoction by boiling jasmine leaves; Indian gooseberry, cyprus and yavasa with water thereafter mix jiggery in it. Take 30 ml, this decoction twice a day; it is useful to cure all types of disorders of the fever patient.
  212.  Chronic fever is cured by taking butter of cow milk and loafsugar. Take butter with honey and gold layer, it provides relief in tuberculosis and increases strength in the body too.
  213.  Give asafetida to the patient, it is useful to cure fever due to wet place.
  214.  Typhoid is cured by taking asafoetida with sal-ammonic or gum guggul.
  215.  Tie bandage of wet soil on the bandage and change it after every an hour. Use this process; it is useful to reduce temperature.
  216.  Grind 20 grams fine powder of dried bark of mudar root and 10 grams black peppers with cow milk and prepare tablets equal of gram from it. The fever does not occur; he patient takes 1-2 tablets with water before 1-2 hours of fever.
  217.  Grind 10 grams sugar candy with 10 grams mudar milk until 12 hours and fill it in a bottle. Giving about ¼ grams this medicine to the patient with lukewarm water provides relief in fever. It is best medicine of fever than quinine. It prevents fever due to pari and cures fever too.
  218.  Mix 10 grams ash of bark of mudar root with 60 grams sugar and give about half to one gram this medicine to the patient with fresh water before 2 hours of fever. Fever does not occur by using this process.
  219.  Make ash by burning yellow leaves of mudar on coal fire and give half gram to the patient with honey to lick. It provides relief in fever.
  220.  Mix 4 drops mudar milk, 10 drops juice of raw papaya and 15 drops chiretta juice together. Take this medicine with cow urine thrice a day; it is useful to cure incurable fever within 3 days.
  221.  Filter decoction of mudar root and mix 3 grams powder of dry ginger in it. Fever is cured by taking this decoction.
  222.  Grind 2 grams bark of mudar root and one-gram black peppers with goat milk and prepare small tablets from it. The fever does not occur by taking one tablet with water before one hour of fever.
  223.  Take about half gram, bark of mudar root, it starts blow sweat and cures fever.
  224.  Chronic fever is cured by taking infusion of bark of mudar root.
  225.  Give about less quantity of datura seeds than ¼ grams to the patient thrice a day, it provides relief in malaria.
  226.  Fever does not occur by taking about less quantity of powder of datura seeds than ¼ grams before fever.
  227.  Grind equal quantity of datura seeds, betel leaf and black peppers together thereafter prepare tablets equal of kidney bean from it. One tablet should be taken twice a day because it helps to cure fever. Take it with aniseed juice; it is useful to cure chronic spermtorrhoea.
  228.  Mix one-gram ground cumin seed with equal quantity of jiggery and give it to the patient thrice a day regularly. It is useful to cure chronic fever.
  229.  Mix 5 grams powder of cumin seed with jiggery and prepare tablets equal of one gram from it. Fever and chronic fever are cured by taking these tablets.
  230.  Soak about four spoons of chiretta powder in one glass of water at overnight. In the next morning, filter this mixture and give three spoons of this filtered water to the patient to drink 3-4 times in a day. It provides relief in common fever.
  231.  Rubbing chiretta oil on the body provides relief in jaundice and weakness due to chronic fever.
  232.  Mix equal quantity of powder of leadwort root, dry ginger, black peppers and long pepper together. Fever is cured by taking 2-5 grams this mixture.
  233.  When the blood circulation becomes reduce in fever and patient cannot take meal, he should chew pieces of leadwort root because it provides relief.
  234.  Cook dried Indian gooseberry with pulse of kidney bean and take it twice a day regularly. It cures fever and helps in loose motions clearly.
  235.  Boil 8-10 pieces of black peppers and 10-15 basil leaves with one glass of water until remains half water then mix one spoon of sugar candy in it. Fever is cured by taking this decoction.
  236.  Decoction of black peppers should be taken in the case of chronic fever because it is beneficial.
  237.  Grind 3 pieces of black peppers, half piece of dry ginger, some sugar candy and some coriander together and make warm. Give this medicine to the patient with water, it provides relief in fever.
  238.  In the case of fever, take cooked vegetable of green fenugreek and one spoon ground (grind thick) methi dana with water thrice a day. Use this process for 4 days regularly, it provides relief in fever.
  239.  When someone suffers from severe fever, boil three spoons of methidana with 2 cups of water until remains half water then filter it. The fever is reduced by taking this decoction thrice a day.
  240.  Give fenugreek to the patient, it is useful to cure fever soon.
  241.  The fever is cured within sometimes by dripping juice of Agasta leaves in the nostril.
  242.  Smell juice of flowers or leaves of agasta, it provides relief in relapsing fever and blocked catarrh.
  243.  Mix half spoon of honey with 2-3 spoons of juice of agasta leaves thereafter give it to the patient twice a day because it prevents relapsing fever quick. This process should be used for 15 days regularly.
  244.  If someone suffers from fever with breathing problems due to lungs swelling or wet cough, he should take 10-20 ml juice of root bark or leaves juice or panchang (stem, root, leaf, fruit and flower) of agasta with equal quantity of honey twice or thrice a day because it provides relief.
  245.  Ulcer and pimples are occurred due to chicken or other types of fever. The patient should take 20-30 ml infusion of its bark on empty stomach twice a day to get relief.
  246.  Swallow 4 grams celery fruit (without chewing) with cold water in the morning regularly, it is useful to cure chronic fever, common fever and cold.
  247.  Boil 15 grams caltrop bark with 250 ml water until it remains ¼ parts and then filter and prepare four doses. Fever is cured by taking these doses 4 times in a day.
  248.  Relapsing fever is cured by taking 2 grams powder of caltrop bark regularly.
  249.  Fever is cured by taking powder of 5 pieces of black peppers with two spoons juice of leucas cebhalotes.
  250.  Soak 15g bishop’s weed in a cup of water in the soil pot in the morning. This pot should be putted in the house in day and in dew at night. In next morning, filter this mixture properly and give it to the patient to drink. This process should be used for 15 days regularly. If the fever does not cure completely, this process can used until cure fever. This treatment is also useful to cure chronic fever, enlargement of the spleen and liver. It is helpful to increase appetite.
  251.  In the case of fever due to indigestion, soak 10g bishop’s seed in 125 ml water at overnight. In the next morning, crush this mixture and filter it properly. Give this medicine to the patient to drink; it is useful to cure fever due to constipation.
  252.  In the condition of cold fever, 2g bishop’s weed should be given to the patient twice a day to get relief.
  253.  If someone suffers from excessive sweat due to fever, toast 100 to 200g bishop’s weed and prepare fine powder from it after grinding. Rub this powder on the body; it is useful to reduce sweat quantity
  254.  Soak 10g of the bishop’s weed in 100 ml of water at overnight. In the next morning, filter this mixture properly and give it to the patient to drink because it helps to cure fever.
  255.  Boil 5g the bishop’s weed with 50 ml water and filter it properly. Giving 25 ml, this filtered water to the patient at an interval of 2-2 hours reduces fever and mystification.
  256.  The fever is reduced by taking 10-20 ml decoction of Aloe-Vera root thrice a day.
  257.  Boil small pieces of white ash gourd and extract 20 ml juice from it. Mix 20 ml this juice, 25 grams sugar, 25 grams ghee, 40 grams boiled pieces of ash gourd and 50 ml juice of malabar nut together. Cook this mixture on low flame until turns into thick then mix 10 grams myrabalan, 10 grams Indian gooseberry, 10 grams bhorink root, 150 grams peppers root and 300 grams honey in it. Fill this preparation in a china and glass pot and store it. Give this medicine to the patient regularly; it is useful to cure fever, cough, hiccups, heart problems, and acidity, cold, catarrh, etc. diseases.
  258.  The patient gets relief in typhoid, malaria and chronic fever, if he takes 10-20 ml decoction of Negro coffee root twice a day.
  259.  Fever is cured by taking 5-10 ml juice of Negro coffee.
  260.  Mix equal quantity of tinospora and root of solanum indicum together thereafter give 10-20 grams to the patient regularly. It starts to blow sweat and reduces fever.
  261.  Cook equal quantity of root of solanum indicum, dry ginger, bala root, caltrop and jiggery with milk. Give 100 ml this decoction to the patient twice a day; it is useful to cure fever swelling and retention of urine and stool.
  262.  The fever is reduced by taking 1-2 grams powder of solanum indicum root with honey twice or thrice a day regularly.
  263.  Mix sweet flag with water and coat it on the nose. It is useful to catarrh, cough and fever due to catarrh and cough.
  264.  Typhoid is cured by taking smoke of myrabalan chebulie, ghee and sweet flag.
  265.  In the case of fever of small children, grind root of sweet flag with water and apply it on the hand and feet, it provides relief.
  266.  Give vatsanabh equal of half rice with sulphur, borax, cinnamon and other spicy and fragrant things, it is useful to cure relapsing fever.
  267.  The patient gets relief in pneumonia, if he takes vatsanabh in some quantity.
  268.  Grind equal quantity of pure borax, pure asafoetida, pure vatsanabh naagdanti and juice of five-leaved chast together thereafter prepare tablets 65 tablets equal of about ¼ parts from it. Give one tablet to the patient twice a day regularly, it provides relief in wounds, swelling and fever.
  269.  Mix equal quantity of camphor, kunen and pure vatsanabh together. Abhishayand fever is cured by taking ¼ grams this medicine twice a day.
  270.  Sprinkle powder of black peppers on an onion piece and give it to the patient to eat twice a day. It is useful to cure fever due to polluted air.
  271.  Cast 4 grams bark of apple tree and 20 grams leaves in water while boiling and store it for 10-15 minutes after covering. Filter this water and mix juice of a piece of lemon and 10-20 grams sugar in this water. Giving this water to the patient for drinking is useful in the case of mystification, thirst, fatigue and inflammation due to fever. It is also useful in the case of fever due to liver disorders. This process cures fever and keeps the brain happy.
  272.  Fever is cured by taking 2 grams root of white hogweed with milk or tambule twice a day.
  273.  Take hogweed to get relief in fever quick, which occurs due to anuria-dysuria and infection in urinating pipe.
  274.  The patient gets relief in fever; he takes cooked vegetable of red hogweed, leaves and fruits of sesapadula, bitter guard, aloe vera and kakoda.
  275.  Boil 20 grams Five leaved chast leaves with 400 ml water until ¼ parts then sprinkle 2 grams powder of long peppers in it. Give 10-20 ml this decoction to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in catarrh, fever and heaviness of the body.
  276.  Boil 10 grams leaves of five-leaved chast with 100 ml water and give to the patient twice a day because it provides relief in fever.
  277.  Make a decoction by boiling peppers root, myrabalan chebulie, helle-bore, nut grass and pulp of pudding pipe with water. Giving this decoction to the patient provides relief in amoebic, pain and fever. It eliminates gas and brings out phlegm. This decoction is also digestible.
  278.  Root of pudding pipe is best medicine to cure fever.
  279.  Give four spoons decoction of poppy seed root to the patient thrice a day, it starts to blow sweat and cures fever.
  280.  Fever is cured by taking 6 ml juice of asparagus gonoclodus with equal quantity of tinospora juice and jiggery thrice a day.
  281.  In the all types of fever, Boil 20 grams sissoo alkaline and 150 ml milk with 300 ml water until remains only milk then give it to the patient thrice a day. It is useful to cure all types of fever.
  282.  Filter ground soft leaves of guava and give to the patient to drink. It ends all types of fever symptoms.
  283.  Wrap fruit, flowers and root of pithwan with red thread, and tie it on the forehead. It is useful to cure fever.
  284.  Mix equal quantity of powder of kutaj seeds and cuscus root together and store it. Boil 10 grams this powder with a glass of water until it remains half water then filter it. Severe fever is cured by giving two spoons of this decoction to the patient thrice a day.
  285.  The patient should drink juice of pineapple fruits or this juice can be drunk with honey too. It causes of excessive sweat and helps in urination clearly because of that fever temperature is reduced.
  286.  Break branch of peepal tree and chew it. The patient should suck its juice and spit wood. Use this process, it is useful to cure malaria and all types of fever.
  287.  Boil equal quantity of root of Indian sarsaparilla, cuscus, dry ginger, helle-bore and Cyprus water until remains 1/8 parts then give to the patient because it helps to cure all types of fever.
  288.  Coat lime and catechu on betel leaf and put bark of root of Indian sarsaparilla in it. Fever is cured by taking it.
  289.  Drink coconut water, it is useful to reduce fever soon.
  290.  Grind fine panchang (root, leaf, fruit, flower and stem) of cassia foetid and tie it on the wrist, it prevents cold fever.
  291.  Bandage of cold water should be tie on the forehead to get relief in fever. If someone suffers from severe fever, immerse towel in cold water and put it on the head, and mop the body with immersed cloth. The patient should save from air while this process and body should be covered. Using this process is beneficial.
  292.  Make a decoction by boiling Cyprus and tinospora with water thereafter give it to the patient because it helps to reduce fever.
  293.  Make a decoction by boiling Cyprus and pittapapara with water. Giving 20-40 ml this decoction to the patient reduces cold fever and increases digestive power.
  294.  Make a decoction by boiling Cyprus, dry ginger and chiretta 10 grams each with water. Give this decoction to the patient, it cures fever and normalizes the vatta, pitta and kapha.
  295.  Fever is cured by tying root of sunflower on the ear.
  296.  Grind equal quantity of sunflower leaves and black peppers together thereafter prepare tablets equal of black peppers from it. Cold fever is cured by taking one tablet thrice a day.
  297.  Make a decoction by boiling 10 grams root of sunflower with water and give 20 ml to the patient twice a day because it helps to cure common fever.
  298.  Paratyphoid is cured by taking 60 ml decoction of sunflowers leaves twice a day.
  299.  Boil cardamom pieces, fruits of bengle quince, sathi and milk with water until remains milk then filter it. All types of fever are cured by drinking this milk.
  300.  Wrap megim root with six thread red sutra and tie it on the waist. It is useful to cure relapsing fever.
  301.  Grind sandalwood and silverfir with water thereafter coat it; it helps to cure fever, cough, catarrh and headache.
  302.  The harmful elements are increase in blood while fever. Tomato soup brings out such types of elements and patient gets relief. It should be taken in the fever because it helps to reduce fever and ends syphilis.
  303.  Grind 10-20 leaves of prickly chalf flower and 5-10 pieces of black peppers with 5-10 grams garlic thereafter prepare five tablets from it. Give 1-1 tablet to the patient before 2 hours of fever, it is useful to cure fever, which occurs due to cold.
  304.  If someone suffers from fever due to walk in sunlight, he should take watermelon because it is beneficial.
  305.  Apply castor oil on the affected parts, it cures wound soon (which occurs due to lay on bed). Castor oil is best medicine in the case of vomiting, diarrhoea and fever of the children than other medicines.
  306.  Fever is cured, if patient takes 40 ml decoction of Arjuna bark.
  307.  Take about 10-20 ml decoction of trifala before an hour of fever, it provides relief in fever.
  308.  The patient gets relief in typhoid, if he takes about 20 ml trifala decoction or tinospora juice.
  309.  Grind 10-15 premna leaves with 10 pieces of black peppers and give to the patient twice a day because it helps to cure fever.
  310.  Mix 5 grams powder of winter cherry with 4 grams powder of tinospora bark and give it to the patient with lukewarm water in the evening regularly. It is useful to cure chronic fever due to vat.

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