First Aid Treatment of Fish bites its causes and diagnose-Bites and Stings

Fish Bites

Jelly fish and sting ray fish can harm the human beings by stinging. Their stings are located on the lower border of their tails. The stings of these fishes are quite painful but never fatal.

The condition is diagnosed.

  1. The jelly fish generally stings on the hand or feet.
  2. The victim is uneasy.
  3. There is local pain.
  4. The sting of the fish breaks in the tissues bitten.
  5. The local area looks blue or black.

First Aid

  1. Remove the sting by scratching the skin, if it is seen on the surface.
  2. Wash and dress the wound.
  3. Apply cold compress of ammonia and water to relieve pain.
  4. Shift him to a hospital immediately if there is not relief in spite of the treatment given.

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