Fracture-Fractures of the hand and fingers: Its causes and first aid treatment

Fractures of the hand and fingers: Its causes and first aid treatment

The hand is made up of many small bones with movable joints, which may be injured by direct indirect trauma. Crush injuries cause multiple fractures in the hand. A fracture of the knuckle between the little and the hand may occur due to a misplaced punch. There may be severe bleeding and swelling. Sprains and dislocations may affect any thumb is particularly to dislocation caused by a fall on to the hand.

First Aid

  1. Control bleeding and treat any wounds.
  2. Support the affected limb in an elevation sling. Give additional support by applying a broad bandage over the sling. The knot in front of the un-injured side.
  3. Shift him to a hospital in sitting position.

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