Medicinal use of Red Clover in Jaundice and Asthma

Red Clover: Trifolium pratense

Part used: Blossoms

Depurative, detergent, alterative, mild stimulant

Wonderful blood purifier. Combined with equal parts of violet leaves and flowers, burdock, yellow dock, dandelion root, rock rose and golden seal, it has proved a powerful agent in growths, leprosy and pellagra. Used alone it has proven valuable in bronchial coughs and whooping cough. Warm tea is soothing to the nerves. Healing to fresh wounds and burns. Excellent in salve. A good formula is made by combining one ounce red clover blossoms, one ounce burdock seed, two ounces Oregon grape root and half ounce blood root. Steep in one pint hot water and one pint hot apple cider for steep in one pint hot water and one pint hot apple cider for two hours. A small glassful four times a day. Has proven good in cases of growths in any part of the body if in the throat, gargle four or five times a day. If in the stomach, drink frequently through the day. If in the rectum , inject with syringe. If in the uterus, use as a douche, holding vagina closed and lie with upper part of body lower. Hold as long as possible. I have seen growths and tumours disappear when an ointment was made thus : make a very strong tea of red clover blossoms, and violet leaves and flowers added to red clover blossoms make them an even greater specific for growths. In his book, Medicinal Value of Natural Foods. Dr. W. H. Graves lists red clover as being helpful in jaundice, skin diseases, anaemia, constipation, nervous exhaustion, and aids the eradication of destructive drug poisons form the body. It is also suited to the respiratory organs, thus is beneficial in whooping cough, asthma and other respiratory ailments.

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