Medicinal use of “Wheat Grass” Herbal Medicinal Plant


One among the best known natural reservoir of health and longevity is the wheat grass. Wheat grass is a young wheat plant about 3 to 4 inches long that can be easily cultivated at home. Being highly nutritious, it is a rich source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. All the more, a regular intake of the wheat grass extract or its juice is extremely beneficial in increasing the blood hemoglobin content and it also creates the immunity power in your body.


Cure for Anemia : The chlorophyll content present in wheat grass resemble (in structure as well as properties ) to a component of blood called ‘Haemin’. It thus aids in improving the blood picture.

Combats Skin Ailments : Wheat grass therapy has proved effective in curing many skin ailments like boils, acne, itching, inflammation and eczema. Apply the juice of the same onto the affected skin and take in the desirable dose. It acts as a blood purifier and natural antiseptic.

Anti Toxic And Germicidal Action : The chlorophyll component present in the wheat grass  has specific germicidal and anti oxidant properties. This also tends to purify the blood by removing undesirable deposits and toxins from the body systems. It is thus recommendable as a curative as well as prophylactic therapy.

A Complete Food: Wheat grass contains many nutritional components. There is presence of chlorophyll content which is highly nutritive, a wide range of vitamins like Vitamin A,C,E,K and B 17 and also maximum number of mineral including iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous. Other than theses, it contains vital amino acids that the 1 kg of wheat grass equals in nutritional supply to approx. 23 kgs of green vegetables.

For Throat Afflictions : Try gargles with the juice of wheat grass and also swallow the same to get relief from sore throat, hoarseness of voice and vocal and vocal incompetence.

As A Local Application:  Wheat grass juice can be applied to a wound or boil and find it heal faster and efficiently. You could even apply the same to your scalp to combat dandruff and brittle hair. Try a bath with water containing a few drops of wheat grass added to  it. This works as a natural cleanser. Another home remedy is for colds and headaches. Try a massage with the juice on your forehead and pour 2 drops in each nostril as nasal drops. It is also helpful in the malady of sinusitis.

Energy Tonic : Wheat grass is believed to be a wonderful elixir that rejuvenates and revitalizes the dormant energy levels. The freshly extracted juice is to be consumed immediately for better benefits.


Wheat grass can be taken naturally in the form of fresh juice and extract. The recommended dose of the juice is 100-ml approx. per day. It should be taken preferably on an empty stomach. You need to start with a low dose and gradually increase the same. Or you could simply chew the grass and ingest the juice and fiber. It is also available in the market in the form of tablets and powder.

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