Nervous, Stress, Tension and Poor diet causes and prevention

We are living in a nervous age. Stress, tension, worry and poor diet all contribute to  a case of the nerves.Good eliminations most essential in nervous conditions. Hot then cold fomentation to the spine are beneficial in nervous ailments. Followed by gentle back massage. Also hot packs held to the back of the neck help to relax.

The nervous system is strengthened most by foods which give an alkaline reaction, foods which are rick in potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Herb teas containing these minerals are just as helpful.

The best herb formula I have found for nervousness is as the best herb formula I have found for nervousness is as follows:  nerve root, skullcap , valerian, peppermint and catnip.

For St. Vitus Dance, the following has proved helpful:

A combination of equal parts of skullcap and lady’s slipper. Another combination of herbs which are said to be effective in treating St. Vitus Dance is equal parts of skullcap, mistletoe, St. John’s wort, valerian, gentian and  a very small part of lobelia.

For NERVOUS HEADACHE , pour one quart of boiling water on one-half ounce each of camomile and peppermint. Drink freely.

A good NERVINE is made with skullcap, motherwort , black cohosh, valerian and wood betony. Also, equal parts of skullcap valerian, mistletoe , hops and powdered liquorice make a good nervine.

A tea made of garden sage is good for nerve exhaustion. Garlic is also said to be a good nerve tonic. Camomile, celery seeds and tops, and hops are also good taken in combination or as single herbs.

The brain, heart , stomach , liver , pancreas, spleen and every other vital organ, every muscle and every cell is governed by the nerves. The individual with a well – balanced  vervous system, a pure bloodstream and an alert mind feels on top of the world.

To ensure a stung nervous system, sleep more, exercise more, eat a wholesome diet, worry less and live at a slower tempo. Take time to laugh. It is a safety valve.


B -12 injection is excellent for relief in neuralgia. Hot catnip tea is also good.


Lack of vitamin B is evidenced in neuritis. Rocky Mountain grape root is said to be effective in treating neuritis.

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