Honey Syrup and Wild Plum Bark Tea-Best herbal remedy for Asthma

Asthma is caused by the system being filled with waste matter and mucous. It is recognized by occasional paroxysms of difficult breathing, lasting form a few hours to several days, coming on at intervals to be followed by remissions, during which the patient breathes with comparative case. 

In the case of asthma, the diet should be plain; only raw fruits and vegetables should be eaten for five or six weeks. Nuts may be allowed. This diet should be continued with the addition of fish, lamb or beef broiled.  Carbohydrates, refined products, coffee, tea, cocoa or excessive salt have no place in the diet of an asthmatic patient.

An enema should be given every day for a while to help eliminate waste products of metabolism.

Dr. Livingstoen discovered that many asthmatic patients may be completely relieved by a course of training in correct breathing. Using the slant –board has helped some.

Syrup made with honey and the tea made from wild plum bark is the best herbal remedy for asthma.

Equal parts of spikenard, elecampane, comfrey, horehound and one teaspoonful lobelia are also good. One tablespoonful taken every half hour is recommended.

A good herb mixture is made with equal parts of wild cherry bark, skullcap, valerian, gentian, clams and a small amount of lobelia.

 Black cohosh, coltsfoot, wild cherry blue vervain are also recommended

Mullein leaves, dried and smoked in a pipe or cigarette, has helped in some cases. Spikenard was used by the American Indians in the treatment of asthma and hay fever.

MaHuang was used by the Chinese centuries ago. Ephedrin is a drug being extracted from MaHuang. Mormon Valley herb also contains ephedria. 

An anti-spasmodic tincture has been of value in treating asthma. This tincture may be made as follows: Pour one pint of boiling water over once ounce each of skullcap, Gum myrrh, skunk cabbage, one- half ounce each of black cohosh and Cayenne. Step one half hour. Strain and add one pint apply cider vinegar. Bottle for use. One teaspoonful is the recommended dose.

A pillow stuffed with “life everlasting” has helped some people.

It has long been suspected that asthma and hay fever are symptoms of a deficiency in the body of some particular factor rather than being a disease in them. The failure of the body to assimilate sufficient potassium may well be the cause of asthmatic difficulties based on faulty functioning of the adrenal glands. The herbs containing potassium are walnut leaves, mistletoe, coltsfoot, mullien, yarrow, comfrey, calamus and fennel seed. 

Asthma has been helped by a supplement of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.

Honey is said to be a cure for hay fever. According to experimental studies made by William Beaumont, of General Hospital of EI Paso , Texas, chewing honeycomb form the region in which the patient live has  helped some. By chewing the wax or eating the honey it is possible to counteract the effect of the pollen. The patient builds up a resistance to the very thing for which he has intolerance.

The body level of vitamin C is decidedly lower during hay fever attacks.

When hay fever starts starts, or even before the pollen season, taker a glassful of “life everlasting” tea night and morning. Also make pillow using “life everlasting”. A diet of fruit juices (50 % raw gives immediate relief.

Before a cure of asthma or hay fever can be effective, the diet of the patient must be corrected.


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