Medicinal use of Amla


Modern living is full of stress and strain and as a continuous process results in the deterioration of the immune system of the body. This makes the body more prone to aliments and even causes pre-mature aging.

So as to cope with the stress. People tend to take a number of multi vitamins, body and brain tonics, and yet find themselves  disillusioned with the same in the long run. In Ayurveda it is told that the special properties of rejuvenation and revitalizing of the entire body system lie in the fruit of Amla.

Amla or Emlica  officinalis which is its Latin name is found extensively in Indian in the form of two varieties. One is hard, small in size and found in forests; while the other type is softer, bigger in size, more fleshy and is cultivated.


Amla is sour in taste, cold and heavy in nature and has a sweet after taste. Chemically, the fruit of Amla is full of citric acid. Therefore, it is said to contain the best and the largest amount of vitamin C extracted from the nature. Other than this, it contains a good amount of calcium and minerals like iron and phosphorous in nominal amount. Some other important ingredients are albumin, cellulose, fiber, carbohydrate, sugar and water.


Ayurveda believes that the fruit of Amla helps to reduce all the three body humors viz. Vatta, pitta and Kapha, or the air. Fire and phlegm; which when aggravated above their normal limits cause a disease. Amla is sour in taste and therefore helps in decreasing vatta or the air body humour. Due to it being cold in neuter, calming and soothing in action and having a sweet after taste it decreases the bile or pitta.   And the rough nature of Amla is helpful in reducing in kapha inside the body.


The fruit of Amla is found to be mainly useful in decreasing the heat as per it’s most extensive use has been seen in the treatment of the diseases associated with increased body heat. For example; it proves quite useful in  ailments like burning sensation in eyes and in some of the feet, increased thirst; or when there is immature graying of the hair due to excessive heat inside the body.

During the summers, the most often symptoms due to the elevated external heat can be relieved. Burning sensation of the skin and headaches associated with a heat stroke can be relieved by the applying a paste made of Amla in milk.

The juice extracted from the fresh fruit is put in the eyes for curing the burning and inflammation; and for the longevity of eyesight.

For the digestive disorders like acidity, loss of hunger and piles; the use of Amla in the form of medicines as well as a diet ingredient is quite beneficial.

Fresh juice of Amla is given on an empty stomach in disorders like diabetes and urinary incontinence.

Some preparations like a murraba can be taken for long periods as a tonic to do away mental and physical fatigue.

The powder of dried Amla taken with honey twice in a day is a good cure for cough.

For immature graying and falling of the hair, try washing the hair alternately with the power.


An individual may be regarded as healthy only, when the Tridosbas , the Bio regulating principles are in equilibrium, the seven Dhatus, the tissues of the body are normal. Agni, the digestive fire is functioning properly, the 13 srotas, the channels and the innumerable small ones are open and the malas. The excretory products are correctly balanced.

-Charaka Sanbita

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