10 Simple Home Treatment/Remedies for “Internal Inflammation of the Stomach” its symptoms and reason

Internal Inflammation of the Stomach

(Burning Sensation and Swelling of Internal Parts of Stomach)


What is Internal Inflammation of the Stomach:

In the disease in which the patient suffers from internal inflammation in the stomach, stomach ache starts from the middle portion of the stomach and reaches to the chest. Beside it, the patient suffers from such kinds of symptoms as gastritis problem, belching and stomach ache because of being gathered gas in one portion of the stomach.

Treatment :

  1. Make a decoction of moth and take it and apply it on the stomach to reduce swelling of the stomach.
  2. Grind the leaves of Indian sorrel to make the syrup and drink; it ends burning sensation of the stomach.
  3. Grind dry ginger and cumin seed together and take; it ends burning sensation of the stomach.
  4. Grind cassia angustifolia in goat urine and take; it ends burning sensation of the stomach.
  5. Eat toast flux with puffed sugar cake to end burning sensation and swelling of internal parts of the stomach.
  6. Mix the flour of flux in the water and boil it to make a decoction. After that, mix cumin seed and whey in it and take, it ends burning sensation of the stomach.
  7. Mix milk and sugar in the juice of common fumitory and take, it ends burning sensation of digestion system.
  8. Put 60 grams seeds of pomegranate in one litter water and then put it in soil pot. Mix sugar candy in it after two and three hours and take, it ends burning sensation and swelling of internal parts of the stomach.
  9. Put 200 grams spogel seed in 100 ml water in the whole night. In the morning, crush this mixture and mix sugar candy in it and take, it reduces the irritation of the mind and stops bleeding. It also ends burning sensation of the stomach.
  10. Mix 2 spoons honey in 10 ml juice of Indian kudzu and take it in empty stomach in the morning and evening to remove pain is caused by bile.

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