Herbal home treatment for “Dry Skin” problem problem and its main causes-“SkinCare”

Dry Skin

Skin becomes scaly and rough. Itching is very common in dry skin.

Possible Causes

  • Weather, cold and dry conditions
  • Age
  • Exposure to water or water with chemicals for long durations
  • Use of soap and detergents, over use of Hand wash liquids

Ayurvedic Care

Use pure coconut oil and apply it frequently rub it on the affected area of skin. Do not use hair oils which are branded as coconut oils.

Aloe Vera based creams can be used to get relief from itchy skin. Aloe Vera has capability to increase blood circulation in tiny skin cells. It acts as a natural moisturizer.

Pamper your skin with milk bath. Not with 20 liters of milk, but take a liter of milk pour it in a bowl. Take a washcloth or piece of gauze to apply it on a skin. Milk contains lactic acid which helps in exfoliating dead skin cells.

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