Situations and techniques to carry a loaded stretcher in first aid treatment-“First Aid”

Carrying a Stretcher

When the casualty has been placed on the stretcher the bearers should take up their positions at each end of the stretcher. At least two trained persons are required. The person in charge of the victim should remain at his head. If bystanders are available they should be asked to help.

The general rules for carrying a stretcher are as follows.

  1. The head should be kept higher than the feet, unless the victim is in shock.
  2. He should always be carried feet first, except in the following situations.
    • When carrying a victim to the side or foot of a bed.
    • When going downstairs or hills when the victim’s lower limbs are injured or there is hypothermia.
    • When going up stairs or hills when the lower limbs are not injured.
    • When loading a victim into an ambulance.

Situation                                          Technique

Four bearers – secure and grasp the handles with their hands, palms inwards, keeping your backs straight. Rise together when the order ‘rise’ is given. Hold the stretcher with the arms extended and keeping it level. With the order ‘advance’ walk simultaneously but out of step to avoid bouncing. On reaching the ambulance lower the stretcher to the ground evenly, with the casualty’s head nearest the ambulance.

When crossing uneven ground, crossing secures the victim to the stretcher with broad bandages or a harness before you start. Keep the stretcher as level as possible by each bearer adjusting the height of the stretcher individually.

Four bearers, only a short distance to be covered – stand at side of the stretcher facing inwards. Grasp the poles with one hand and place the other about 75 cm from the end of the stretcher. Then move sideways.

Four bearers, crossing a wall- Avoid crossing a wall, if possible. If not, place the stretcher on the wall, with the front runners beyond the wall. After the front bearers cross the wall one at a time while the others steady the stretcher, lift it up and advance until the back end of the stretcher, lift it up and advance until the back end of the stretcher is close to the wall. Let the other bearers cross the wall. Then resume carrying the stretcher.

Four bearers, moving from one level to another- stand on either side of the stretcher facing each other across the stretcher. Lift the stretcher so that it is at level of the elevation. Place its front end on the elevation and receive the stretcher while the others pass it forward. Then let another bearer climb up the elevation. Move the stretcher forward until the rear runners are on the bank. Then let the rear bearers climb up the elevation. Resume carrying the stretcher.

Two bearers- Stand in between the two handles of the stretcher at either end of the stretcher. At the order ‘lift’, lift the stretcher up together, keeping the upper limbs stretcher up together, keeping the upper limbs straight. With the order ‘advance’, start walking simultaneously. While placing it down bend down simultaneously and put it down slowly.   

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