Foreign Bodies-Foreign bodies in the eye: Its cause, diagnose and first aid treatment

Foreign bodies in the eye: Its cause, diagnose and first aid treatment

Foreign bodies can enter the eye accidentally when is a strong wind blowing, or when one is traveling without protection to the eye,

Example on a motor cycle various foreign bodies that can enter the eye are dust, sand particles, coal particles, small pieces of glass, etc. They are either the eyelids or in the eyeball.

The condition is diagnosed by the following features.

  1. History of sudden onset of acute pain in the eye is available.
  2. The eye is any-y red.
  3. There is profuse watering of the eye.
  4. On examining the eye by gently retracting the eyelids, the foreign body may be seen in the eye.

First Aid

  1. Tell the victim not to rub the eye as that may cause further damage to the eye by the foreign body.
  2. Remove a foreign body the eyelid with the pointed end of a soft handkerchief or a piece of It is necessary to wash the hands well before removing the foreign body. An alternative method is to wash the eye with clean water.
  3. Pad the eye and send him to a doctor.
  4. Shift all others to a hospital immediately.
  5. Shift him to a hospital immediately.
  6. Do not fry to remove a foreign body on the surface of the eyeball, especially the cornea, as it may cause corneal abrasions, which later get converted into corneal opacities that impair vision.

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