Foreign Bodies-Foreign bodies in the ear: Its cause, diagnose and first aid treatment

Foreign bodies in the ear: Its cause, diagnose and first aid treatment

Foreign bodies can enter the ear either accidentally (insects) or may be inserted by children during play (peas, buttons, pencils etc.).

Fie condition is diagnosed by the following features.

  1. History of insertion of the foreign body may to may not be available. A child may not admit it due to fear.
  2. There is pain in the ear.
  3. There may be discharge from the ear.
  4. On inspection of the ear using a torch light for illumination, the foreign body may be seen in the ear canal.

First Aid

  1. Do not try to hook out the foreign body with a hook or any other object, as it may damage the ear drum.
  2. If there is an insect in the ear, put olive oil or 2% sodium bicarbonate solution in lukewarm water into the ear.
  3. Send him to a doctor’s clinic.

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