Burns-Burns(Dry heat moist heat,Electrical,Radiation): Its causes, types and conditions

Burns(Dry heat moist heat,Electrical,Radiation): Its causes, types and conditions

Burns are wounds caused by excessive exposure of the body to heat in any form. Some people restrict the term ‘burns’ for burns occurring from exposure to fry heat like fire, flames, hot metal, sun, heat tension electric current, lighting, and friction, and the term ‘scalds’ for bums resulting from exposure to moist heat like boiling water, steam, oil, hot liquids, and hot tar. Burns can be a serious injury. Recovery is slow. There can be serious complications of burns.

What are the causes of burns?

                              Causes of Burns                

Cause                                                     Conditions

Dry heat moist heat – Fire, flames, and hot metal. Boiling water, steam, oil, hot liquids, and hot tar.

Electrical – Passage of high tension electric current through the body, lightning.

Friction – Contact with a moving rope, wire, wheel, or asphalt.

Radiation – Sun and other sources of radiant heat.

Chemical Cold – Strong acids and alkalis. Liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen.

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