Medicinal use of Myrrh in Bronchial and Lung diseases

Myrrh: Balsamodendron myrrh

Part used: Powdered gum

Antiseptic, stimulant, tonic, expectorant, vulnerary, emmenagogue

A valuable tonic. Good in bronchial and lung diseases. Is said to remove halitosis (bad breath) when taken internally. For sick stomach, a small teaspoon of the powdered gum and of golden seal to a pint of boiling water, one teaspoon of the infusion six times a day. Made into an ointment with golden seal is excellent injected into rectum for hemorrhoids. Good for gangrene and as a mouth wash. An excellent gargle for diphtheria, sore throat and sores in the mouth. Infusion is also good for coughs, asthma, and all chest complaints. Diminishes mucous discharges. A few drops of infusion give instant temporary relief in toothache. Two ounces of tincture of myrrh and one half ounce of cayenne to a quart of alcohol makes the best antiseptic. Taken (a few drops in a glass of water) is a powerful stimulant in shock, collapse and prostration.

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