Medicinal use of Catnip and Chickweed

Catnip: Nepeta cataria, Nip

Part Used: The whole herb

Carminative, stimulant, tonic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac

Excellent for its quieting effect on the nervous system. Use as an enema for children, especially in convulsions. Very useful in pain of any kind, for spasms, insanity, fevers, colic, hysteria, amenorrhea, emmenagogues, nervous headache. An enemy of catnip will cause urination   when it has stopped. Catnip, sweet balm, marshmallow and sweet weed (liquorice) make an excellent baby remedy, nervous irritability, colds and hoarseness. Used hot in connection with a hot foot- bath is very beneficial for colds.

Chickweed: Stellaria Media, Starwort, Satin Flower, Stitchwort

Part used: leaves

Alterative , demulcent, refrigerant, mucilaginous, pectoral,  resolvent, discutient

Chickweed may be used fresh, dried or powdered in poultices, fomentations or salves. Excellent in bronchitis, pleurisy, coughs, colds, hoarseness, rheumatism, inflammation of the bowels and stomach. Heals and soothes anything it comes in contact with. It is one of the best remedies for external application to skin diseases, boils, burns, sore eyes, tumours, erysipelas, hemorrhoids and sore throat. Take a chickweed, bath for skin diseases. For blood poisoning take internally as well as application of a chickweed poultice. Chickweed, especially eaten fresh, is an excellent as well   as harmless treatment for obesity.

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