60 Simple Home Treatment/Remedies for “Mouth Diseases” its symptoms and reason

Mouth Diseases

What is Mouth Disease:

Mouth diseases occur because of taking excessive hot foodstuffs, burning the mouth or scratching the mouth and palate while eating something. Constipation creates because of disturbed digestion system if a person takes much oily and spicy foodstuffs, ghee and meat. Consequently, a person becomes the victim of the mouth, palate, lips and tongue diseases. In this disease, small vesicles appear in the mouth or on the mouth palate and tongue and lips crack. Bed smell comes out from the mouth if there are blisters on the tongue and in the mouth. There is light pain and hoarseness in the throat of the patient. The patient faces great difficulty while taking food or water.

Causes :

Digestion system disturbs if a person takes excessive oil, spice, ghee, meat and acetic foodstuffs. In this condition, constipation and gas create in the stomach because of indigestion. Blisters, papules and sores appear in the mouth because of the stomach heat.

Symptoms :

If a person is the victim of the mouth, tongue, palate and lips blisters, he suffers from inflammation and pricking pain and constant flow of saliva from the mouth. Tongue and lips of the patient start to crack. Blisters are red and white. Bed smell comes out from the mouth. There is light pain and hoarseness in the throat. If such patient takes hot or cold things, he suffers from inflammation and pain in blisters.

Treatment :

  1.  Grind turmeric and red arsenic altogether. Keep smoke of this mixture into the mouth for the treatment of all mouth diseases.
  2.  Chew currants and black pepper corns for the treatment of mouth blisters and papules.
  3.  Grind liquorice into the fine powder. Apply it on the mouth blisters to cure all mouth diseases.
  4.  Prepare a powder by grinding lodh, sapan wood, liquorice and liquorice wood. Mix honey into this powder and apply to get relief.
  5.  Grind one-gram alum and apply into mouth mixing with honey. This medicine is useful for the treatment of mouth blisters, papules and sores.
  6.  Dissolve alum into water and gargle with this water. This medicine cures many mouth diseases.
  7.  Mix half-gram camphor powder and 3 grams toasted borax with honey properly. Apply this preparation into the mouth; it cures all mouth diseases.
  8.  Prepare a powder by grinding toasted borax, big cardamom and tabasir each 10 grams. Sprinkle 4 grams this powder on the tongue. Besides it, the victim can take also 4 grams this powder with fresh water after having meal. Both medicines end mouth blisters.
  9.  Grind 3 grams toasted borax and mix with honey or with 25 grams glycerin. Apply this preparation on the sores of blisters with the help of cotton wad. Its use provides relief.
  10.  Mix honey with toasted borax and apply on the tongue. Its use ends papules of the mouth.
  11.  Mix toasted borax in honey and apply on the mouth blisters to get relief.
  12.  Suck half-gram seed of quince twice or thrice a day. Its use is beneficial for the treatment of disease named watery mouth.
  13.  Grind chhaliya and big cardamom each 10 grams and sieve through cloth. Sprinkle this powder on the mouth blisters twice or thrice a day. Its use recovers mouth sores and blisters disappear.
  14.  Grind nitre and catechu each 10 grams to make powder. Sieve this powder through cloth. Application of this powder on the blisters twice or thrice a day is beneficial mouth sores and blisters.
  15.  Grind gall nut, alum and catechu each 10 grams into fine powder. Sieve it through a cloth. Sprinkle this powder twice or thrice a day, it proves very beneficial for the treatment of the mouth diseases.
  16.  Take 6 grams shahi javaris with water twice a day regularly after having meal, it proves beneficial in the mouth diseases.
  17.  Take 6 grams khameera ganjwa with water, it recovers mouth sores soon.
  18.  Grind 30 grams tabaseer and keep. Take 3-3 grams this powder with water twice a day regularly after having meal, it recovers mouth sores soon.
  19.  Chew 2-4 leaves of neem properly but keeps on spitting. Its use cures all the mouth diseases.
  20.  Mouth and teeth worms destroy by brushing with neem branch. A person, who follows this formula, remains far from mouth cancer and other diseases.
  21.  Gargle with mustard oil to destroy mouth blisters, sores and papules. Its use cures all mouth diseases. Its regular use remains far a person from dry throat and cracked lips. A person does not become the victim of teeth germs if he rubs mustard oil on the teeth.
  22.  Prepare a powder by grinding long pepper, green vitriol, red arsenic, callicarpa macrophylea and toothache tree. Mix honey in it. Rub this preparation on the tongue, throat and lips in a slow motion. Its use cures mouth diseases caused by cold.
  23.  Mix the juice of pipal tree bark and thereafter mix pipal powder and give to the patient to drink. Its use opens the locked jaw.
  24.  Mix impure carbonate of potash with five salts and honey. Apply this paste on the tongue, lips and throats blisters to get relief.
  25.  Prepare a decoction by boiling the bark of acacia Arabica tree, bullet wood tree, mountain ebonip, common bamboo root and bushy plum tree panchang (root, stem, flower, fruit and leaves). Mix lukewarm water in this decoction and gargle. Its use stops moving teeth and is beneficial for the treatment of cracked tongue and throats blisters. Its use ends throat dryness and disease of the mouth palate.
  26.  Grind the bark of acacia Arabica into the fine powder and boil. Mouth blisters and papules disappear by gargling with this preparation.
  27.  Prepare a decoction by boiling acacia Arabica bark and gargle twice or thrice a day. Its use provides relief in mouth diseases. Suck gum of acacia Arabica, it is also beneficial.
  28.  Prepare a decoction by boiling acacia Arabica, jambul and toasted alum. All mouth diseases are cured by gargling with this water.
  29.  Make a decoction by boiling the root of prickly chalf flower and mix rock salt in it. Gargle with this decoction, it is beneficial for the treatment of the cracked lips and mouth blisters disappear.
  30.  Prepare a decoction by boiling pierorhiza, Indian atees, turmeric, Indian berberry, nutgrass, oval leaved roseway, stereospermum suaveolens (padhal). All mouth diseases are cured by gargling with this decoction.
  31.  Prepare a decoction by boiling Indian berberry, turmeric, cinnamon, stereospermum suaveolens (padhal) and oval leaved roseway. All mouth diseases are cured by gargling with this decoction.
  32.  Mix honey with the juice of Indian berberry and drink. This medicine is very good for the treatment of mouth blisters and sores.
  33.  Prepare a decoction by boiling Sespadula, neem, jambul, mango and clustered hiptage leaves. Bed smell of the mouth, papules and other mouth disease disappear by gargling with this decoction.
  34.  Grind liquorice, peppermint, small cardamom, clove, mace and camphor into the fine powder. Mix a little water into this powder and thereafter prepare small tablets with this paste. Suck 1-1 tablet twice a day, it ends throat hoarseness. Its use makes the voice clear and all the tongue diseases are cured.
  35.  Burn the eaves of guava and acacia Arabica. Fill their smoke into the mouth. Its use clears the throat and ends the papules of the mouth.
  36.  Make the fine powder by grinding costus root, sweet flag, chilly, long pepper, stereospermum suaveolens (padhal) and kevti nutgrass. Mix this powder with honey and give to the patient to lick. Its use ends throat tumor and cures other diseases. This medicine is also useful if a person has been suffering from excessive saliva and inflammation.
  37.  Grind costus root, chilly, dry ginger, long pepper and sweet flag properly. Mix a little honey in this powder. Apply this paste on the teeth, lips and tongue in a slow motion. Its use provides relief in many mouth diseases.
  38.  A person who has been suffering from mouth blisters, he should chew black cumin seed, costus root and oval leaved rose way to get relief.
  39.  Prepare a decoction by boiling mace, dry grapes, tinospora, fiagonia Arabica, myrolelans, beleric myrobalan and Indian gooseberry. Mix honey in this decoction after cooling. Mouth blisters disappear by its use.
  40.  Prepare a decoction by boiling alstonia scholaris, Sespadula, cus cus, myrolelans, pierorhiza, liquorice, pudding pipe tree and red sandal. Drink this decoction; it is beneficial for the treatment of all mouth diseases.
  41.  Bed smell of the mouth ends by eating citron fruits peel.
  42.  Make a powder by grinding paparia catecu, cubebs and small cardamom. Rub this powder on the lips and tongue slowly. Papules of the mouth disappear and cracked tongue become well by its use.
  43.  Burn seeds of polang and inhale this smoke but keep your mouth towards below. Its use destroys mouth worms.
  44.  Grind thickly white sesame, mustard oil and clove each in equal quantity. Boil this mixture with 150 ml water until it remains 1\4. Mix half spoon honey in it and take regularly twice a day. Its use stops falling saliva from the mouth.
  45.  Prepare a decoction by boiling myrolelans and gargle. It is a good treatment to end mouth blisters. Sores of blisters fill soon by its use and hoarseness of the throat ends.
  46.  A person, who has been suffering from mouth diseases, gets relief by keeping plum into the mouth.
  47.  Squeeze cold water by taking the bark of any tree of jambul, acacia Arabica, plum and bullet wood tree. Gargle with this water. Teeth become strong by brushing with the soft branch of any one tree of these and other mouth diseases are cured by its use.
  48.  Take 1-gram powder of jambul powder at the regular interval of 4 hours. After three days, the patient will start to feel relief by its use.
  49.  Prepare a decoction by boiling mimusops elengi, Indian gooseberry and the bark of catechu. Gargle with this decoction 10-20 times a day. Mouth blisters disappear by its use and the patient gets relief in all mouth diseases. Teeth also strengthen by its use.
  50.  Mix 2 spoons juice of ginger in one glass hot water and gargle twice or thrice a day. It is a good treatment for several mouth diseases.
  51.  Mix toasted alum powder with the powder of cardamom and after that apply in the mouth and allow saliva to fall down. Thereafter, clean your mouth with clean water. Follow this process 4-5 times a day to get relief.
  52.  Prepare a paste by grinding caraway with water and apply on the pimples, ringworms and scabies thrice a day. Its use provides relief.
  53.  A person, victim of mouth blisters gets relief by applying linseed oil on the blisters twice or thrice a day.
  54.  Mix honey with the powder of sweet flag and dry ginger. Lick this preparation twice or thrice a day, it is a good treatment of mouth paralysis.
  55.  Grind the pulp of pudding pipe tree with coriander and mix a little catechu in it. Mouth blisters disappear by keeping it into the mouth. Only pulp of its fruit can also be kept into the mouth to get relief.
  56.  Grind the saffron of citron, rock salt and black peppers properly. Prepare tablets with this paste and keep into the mouth. Its use ends gas problem due to phlegm, swelling, stupidity and anorexia.
  57.  Prepare a decoction by boiling 10 dry grapes and 3-4 leaves of jambul. Mouth diseases are cured by gargling with this water.
  58.  Mix sweet oil into the powder of Arjuna root and gargle with this preparation. Its use ends mouth blisters.
  59.  Grind the bark of Arjuna and mix honey in it. Its application ends the freckles of the mouth.
  60.  Prepare a decoction by boiling plum leaves and gargle twice or thrice a day. Mouth blisters disappear by its use. If gums become loose and saliva comes from the mouth by the use of the medicine that contains camphor. Prepare a decoction by boiling plum leaves or bark and gargle to get relief.
  61.  Crush 20 grams Indian atees and 15 grams babereng. Boil it in half-liter water until it remains 1\4. Cool and filter this preparation. Mix sugar candy and make treacle of this preparation. Mix 5 grams puffed borax (chokiya) in this preparation. Mix it into cow milk and give 5 drops to one-year child. In addition to, body of the child should be massaged with mahalakshadi oil. Its use strengthens child body and ends Childs cough, breathing problems and indigestion.
  62.  Fill medicine water or hot water into the mouth and gargle by bending backward. Water of boric acid or decoction of jasmine leaves is useful for the treatment of mouth diseases. Dissolve alum into water and gargle. It is also useful.

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