5 Simple Home Treatment/Remedies for “Sweaty Hand and Feet ” its symptoms and reason

Sweaty Hand and Feet

What is Sweating:

Sweating is a common condition but if excessive sweat comes on the hand and feet in the summer or winter seasons while sitting, it is a type of disease. Sweat comes on the hand and feet without any reason during sitting in this disease.

Treatment :

  1.  Burn separate kandi and yellow coudi thereafter grind fine both together. Rub this mixture on the hand and feet, it reduces sweat.
  2.  Take about  parts datura seeds to get relief in excessive sweat of the hand and feet.
  3.  Apply ground leaves of beriya on the hand and feet, it ends excessive sweat of the hand and feet.
  4.  Grind dry ginger and barrengtonia acutangula together and apply it on the hand and feet, it reduces sweat quantity
  5.  Mix powder of myrabalan chebulie with ground leaves of acacia Arabica and rub it on the hand and feet, it provides relief in excessive sweat. Rub dried leaves of acacia Arabica on the hand and feet to get relief too.
  6.  If the patient has been suffering from excessive sweat in feet, keep feet in lukewarm water thereafter keep it in cold water. Rub together both feet in cold water and mop it. Use this process for one week regularly, it provides relief in excessive sweat of the hand and feet.

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