Common disinfectants (Dettol,Savlon,Potassium permanganate) used in first aid treatment-“First Aid”

Common Disinfectants 

  1. Dettol: when used to clean the skin surface, it is applied in pure form and left uncovered until the skin becomes dry. When used as an antiseptic hand lotion, two to four teaspoonful of dettol is added to 5oo ml of water.
  2. Savlon: In a dilution of 1:200, it is used for general antiseptic purposes like washing hospital equipment, disinfection of soiled linen, and spraying the patient’s room.
  3. Potassium permanganate: it is an oxidizing agent. It is used as general germicide, for gargles as a 1:60 solution, and for purification of water.

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