First aid treatment of Mercury poisoning its causes, prevention and diagnose-“Occupational Hazards”

Mercury Poisoning

It is seen in occupations related to roasting, crushing, and condensation of mercury from ore, manufacture of caustic soda, chlorine, paints paper and pulp.

The condition is diagnosed by the following features.

  1. Respiration is slow.
  2. The pulse is weak rapid.
  3. There is burning sensation in mouth and throat.
  4. There is abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting.
  5. There is diarrhea accompanied by bloody stools.

First Aid

  1. Give egg white , milk or flour orally.
  2. Give gastric lavage with activated
  3. Give dimercaprol (BAL) or penicillamine as antidote.
  4. Shift him to a hospital.

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