How to rescue a drowning person and its first aid treatment-Drowning

How to rescue a drowning person

  1. Do not swim out to rescue him unless you have been trained as lifeguard.
  2. If the water is not too deep, wade through it to get him out of it. Do not wade out if he nature of the bottom of the water is not known, because you may fall into a hole or bed of quicksand.
  3. If the victim is near the shoreline, extend a long stick or pole towards him. Pull him in when he grabs it.
  4. If he cannot be reached by a stick, throw him a lifebuoy or a plank that he can float on. Tell him to keep his face above water
  5. Use a boat to reach the victim, if one is available easily. Tell him to climb in when you reach him. If he cannot do that, ask him to hold onto the boat while you row him back to land.

First aid

  1. Put the victim on the ground, face down.
  2. Clear the airway of any foreign body.
  3. Elevate the middle part of his body with your hands under him to make any water in the lungs to drain out.
  4. Do not try to force the water out from the stomach.
  5. Give artificial ventilation until normal breathing is restored.
  6. Remove wet clothes and put on dry clothes. Keep him warm with blankets and not water bags. See chapter 13 for management of hypothermia.
  7. Do not allow him sit up.
  8. Give him hot tea or coffee to drink.
  9. Send him to a hospital as soon as possible.

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