Fracture-Fracture of the bones of the foot: Its cause, diagnose and first aid treatment

Fracture of the bones of the foot: Its cause, diagnose and first aid treatment

These are due to direct crushing by heavy objects.

The condition is diagnosed by the following features.

  1. There is pain in the foot increased by movement.
  2. There is loss of movement.
  3. There is an inability to walk properly.
  4. Swelling and bruising are seen at the site of the fracture.
  5. Tenderness is present at the site of the fracture.
  6. Deformity may be present, e.g. irregularity of the bony arch of the foot.

First Aid

  1. Place the victim down in supine position.
  2. Gently remove footwear.
  3. Control bleeding, if any.
  4. Dress wounds, if any.
  5. Place a splint on the sole of the foot with adequate padding. Secure it with a figure of eight bandage.

6. Raise and support the injured foot

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